Since the last UEFN update, it seems there is a memory leak somewhere in UEFN
I can not pinpoint where it is coming from but after a quick search on Twitter/X I found that multiple people seem to have had the same problem since 34.00 so it is not a problem on my end
My PC is pretty powerful with 32 gigs of RAM and an RTX 4080 but I already got multiple crashes with out of memory.
This has been happening since around Dec 26th 2024, or atleast I’ve been experiencing it since then, to remedy it I’ve had to close quite literally every software on my computer except UEFN and Fortnite along with keep it unlit and on the lowest settings possible. Even then it crashes with out of memory errors. Furthermore, on big projects it can straight up BSOD a pc, I’ve since then upgraded my RAM, and CPU and it still worries me whenever opening projects due to how rampant the issue is, I believe the issue is with the tools in place to restrict content and devices they don’t want us to access freely as this is not an issue with UE5
I think whats happening for me is that another software was causing the memory leak, and UEFN crashed because of it. I am investigating atm, but I think its not UEFN. The screenshot I posted had Spatial Profiler open, which I later realized may be the one grabbing all the RAM. Still investigating though
Can confirm I’ve seen a sharp uptick in out of memory crashes amongst both me and my friends, I have 64gb of ram and a 3080ti, and still am experiencing out of memory crashes.
Since some time in December I have also seen an uptick in complaints regarding large amounts of memory being used, though due to my previously mentioned 64gb of memory it never caused out of memory for me or any real issues myself, this patch however is using such an astronomical amount of memory that it is somehow managing to still run out and crash.
By memory i mean PC Ram which i have 4 sticks 32gb 5200 hz
I had 64gb and the back end of last yr i also seen some increase in memory for both UEFN and Fortnite combined. It went to about 29gb ram used which is the highest ive noted and when i had 64gb with all the other apps/system itself it got abit much so i upgraded and now have 128gb and no issues although i still have the odd crash and mainly when i open UEFN and Fortnite and leave them and go do something for a hour and when i come back the crash has happened and shows the out of video memory.
I have a 4060ti 16gb and it never struggles tbh so idk what that error is but yea thats my experience with it
On Windows 10, type advanced system settings in task bar
click on performance settings
then click on the advanced tab
and you’ll see Virtual Memory
click on Change
Now you can select all your spare SSD’s or just the one and set a custom size
Remove the paging file from the drive/s that holds Windows and UEFN/Fortnite, should speed them up too
You’ll have to Restart PC
The virtual memory is just an extension of RAM, windows and other programs use it as extra ram for lower priority memory storage
Windows by default sets the hard drive to use about 11% of hard drive size, so a full disk will slow up a PC because it reduces the size of the paging file
You can use any SSD drive to full size and its better if the pagefile is on a dedicated drive.
My laptop needs 32GB as it’s a home laptop with 8GB, so my 32GB pagefile just about does the job and its a lot cheaper than a top spec laptop, being an indie.
UEFN and Fortnite used to run at 18GB in 30.00 UE5.5 and now we have UE5.6, generally its over 20GB
Whenever MS Edge, based on Google Chrome, is running for the editing of posts, then the memory, basically takes 10.8 GB for 8 windows Epic Community posts to take this up.