UEFN Cashes when importing Creative map

Every time I load my map Valhalla into UEFN, it crashes. I cannot import it from Creative to UEFN. Other maps work to import.

My map has tons of devices and props.

Does anyone have similar experiences, or know a fix to this?

Hi @Sven1205!

What exactly are you trying to import?

An entire map that was made in Creative. I hear that importing/converting maps isn’t fully supported, so I am assuming in future updates I will be able to open more maps in UEFN.

Well that depends on the file type(s).

You’re right to assume that importing maps this way isn’t supported and we can assume if it is to be supported in the future there will be a much friendlier workflow.

Note that devices in Creative and UEFN differ and infact although similar are actually not entirely compatible AFAIK.

Devices differ, interesting.

Thank you for explaining. You don’t happen to know whitch devices are incompatible and cant be converted? so I could potentially just delete those and recreate them in UEFN.

Welcome Sven! Great to see you here. I’ll get this reported. Please don’t forget to add severity to your posts when you’re reporting bugs and issues. Thank you ! Bug Reporting - Formatting

There was talk of this being caused by the Melee manager. Removing this doesn’t pervent these chrashes unfortunately.

This issue is now resolved!

Awesome! For the future, please don’t forget to add severity to your posts when you’re reporting bugs and issues. Thank you ! Bug Reporting - Formatting