Bug Reporting - Formatting

Hello! If you are reporting issues/bugs, please use the following format so we can direct your post to the right people. Thank you so much for your cooperation and please let me know if you have any questions!

Please name your issue in the title of your topic and include the severity.

In the post:

Explain the issue:
Evidence: (If possible, please supply an image)
If replicable, how: (Please provide the steps you took before the issue occurred)
(Optional) Impacted Island Code:

Hi everyone! Don’t forget to had the severity of your bugs in the title of your post so we can sort them. THANK YOU!


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Hello Flak! In this post could you please provide some objective criteria for how creators should measure the severity of our issues in terms of Minor, Normal etc? The same issue that feels personally Critical for one creator might feel Minor for another. Thanks!

Hi there, good question!


This level doesn’t affect the functionality of the program. It can be little things such as typos, QOL minor issues and other minor issues.


Something that doesn’t significantly affect your experience but can be confusing or creates undesirable behavior. This is a common level for UI and documentation issues.


You receive an error when trying to do something and have to find workarounds to make it work. This also includes one-time crash instances with or without an error.


Something is not working as intended and causes you to crash repeatedly or hinders your ability to work.


You are unable to proceed. You are either unable to open UEFN and/or your project.


Thank you, Flak! These are super clear :+1:

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Bumping this one for the new folks!

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Critcal: I have downloaded Unreal Editor for fortnite on my laptop but even though i have not got it open is says its ‘running’ and i cant open it.

@IsseiHyoudou_DXD @AidTheMaster2011 Could you both please start a new thread? Thank you!

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And again :slight_smile:

this really should be at the top of the forum