UEFN appears to be trying to reference deleted assets, stopping my project from running


UEFN is trying to reference a fort preset, despite it being deleted. This has seemingly completely corrupted my project, making it unable to launch

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

This issue seems to have appeared after deleting a prefab, as the editor is still trying to reference it

Expected Result

The project loads as normal

Observed Result

The project does not load and returns over 1000 cook errors.


PC, Xbox

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Is this from trying to launch a session
Are you using HLODs and have you rebuilt HLODs before launch.

Sometimes references from deleted stuff can get stuck in a HLOD layer and Delete HLODs from the build menu doesn’t clear them either.
You can replace the HLOD layer with a new one to fix this… if thats the issue, 1000 cook errors sounds like they’re standard props, otherwise what kind of things are in your project that these assets were referenced by, sequencers ?, foilage mode trees ?, data layers ?

Try replacing the HLOD layer

This is how I replace HLOD Layer (pasted from a text file)

  • Close Fortnite Edit/Play Mode if its running
  • Check-in Changes and make a snapshot with URC for backup
  • Make a new HLOD Layer in Content Browser - Right Click>World>HLOD Layer
  • Delete existing HLOD Layer - Replace References to the new one - DON’T Save When it asks, otherwise it will keep the bad references in the HLOD
  • Double Click on Level Thumbnail in Content Browser to reload map, can save if prompted
  • Do a Build Landscape - ignore Yellow Warnings - use drop down filter to deselect them - deal with any Red Errors
  • Double Click your Level Thumbnail again, Save.
  • Build HLODs
  • Try to launch session

thanks, I followed the steps and I’m no longer getting cook errors.

However now I’m getting over a thousand “failed import” (for fort playset and SceneComponent) load errors!

/RedditRoyale/ExternalActors/RedditRoyale/0/4O/W2SVDLETO6NIFASOY4VVR0 : Failed import for FortPlaysetRoot /RedditRoyale/RedditRoyale.RedditRoyale:PersistentLevel.FortPlaysetRoot_2147482645

Edit: The cook errors returned when I launched session :frowning:

It could be one asset is causing it to hang long enough to fail, the error is a communication issue, the rest just come back as errors because they didn’t get processed.

Here’s similar posts, the second one may help, it seems there is a certain process for getting a playset to be properly referenced from the main project.

type in one of the names from one of assets from the loaderror like W2SVDLETO6NIFASOY4VVR0 into the content browser to see if it points to the prefab it’s a part of.
Then see if following @fania4life’s instructions from the second post to put it back in your level


The issue was caused when a fort playset (prefab) root went missing unexpectedly. This meant that every asset that was inside of the prefab was still trying to reference the root, despite it not being there.

This was fixed by deleting every asset that was inside of the affected prefab/gallery and reloading the level. If this does not work, try to rebuild the HLODs too.

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Ahhh, good work

Thats a fairly nasty issue, if the root goes missing the objects shouldn’t exist…like a bunch of ghosts

Was this a fortnite prefab or custom ?

fortnite prefab

I think the objects did initially disappear but upon reloading the level they were back

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