Receiving this errors when trying to Launch Session:
Failed import for FortPlaysetRoot /MAPNAME/MAPNAME.MAPNAME:PersistentLevel.FortPlaysetRoot_2147482641
Failed import for SceneComponent /MAPNAME/MAPNAME.MAPNAME:PersistentLevel.FortPlaysetRoot_2147482641.DefaultSceneRoot
Just curious, did this happen to be related to a prefab?
I just had a massive lag issue in my map and it turned out I had an empty prefab container blueprop (typo for blueprint prop but I like it i’m keeping it) which I didn’t know I hadn’t deleted. Once I deleted it the map was fine, stuttering went away, just seems like for whatever reason there are issues with these.
Not at all. To be honest, I don’t really know what a FortPlaysetRoot is, but I’m sure it’s a standard actor in the game, and I think I ended up somehow deleting it and then got these multiple errors.
Hey. Sorry for the late answer, I’m not very active in the forum. If I remember correctly, I just deleted the FortPlaysetRoot that was giving the error. Now i’m with the same problem as you in another map, there’s no FortPlaysets to delete and its more than 100 same “Failed import for SceneComponent/FortPlaysetRoot” errors.
“LoadErrors: Error: /d6a7c986-42ca-7eee-6a96-1a872390e94f/externalactors/gungameoneshot/0/h7/1ywy2b2egct7hbfq9xqgge : Failed import for FortPlaysetRoot /d6a7c986-42ca-7eee-6a96-1a872390e94f/GUNGAMEONESHOT.GUNGAMEONESHOT:PersistentLevel.FortPlaysetRoot_2147482640”
Did you found any fix? Does anyone ever had dealed with these errors?