UE50EA Nanite problem in Valley of the Ancient Demo

When using the Epic UE4 example Epic Marketplace (free) Meerkat Demo, converted to Unreal Engine 5 Early Access.
The Static Meshes are converted to Nanite and over 25% speed improvement occur.
If I build and launch the Meerkat Demo for Windows, there is a 40% increase in speed due to Nanite.
This can be seen in Windows Task manager where the GPU 3D driver works at over 70%.

In the Valley of the Ancient the 3D driver and the Shared memory is not used.
This results in a low FPS. I believe this is because the Valley of the Ancient
uses its own old drivers and not those of Unreal Engine 5 Early Access like the Meerkat Demo.

This is the reason why the command r.nanite 0 switches off nanite and appears to speed up the FPS. I believe it it the old C++ drivers from an old beta version of UE5 causing the problem

The large size of the Valley of the Ancient demo prevents export or extraction of the content to run with the compiled UE5EA

Looking around I have the answer. It appears the VOA demo uses DX11 not DX12, which would also explain why so many people are having trouble with RTX 3080 and other powerful graphics cards
Quote from in
$(VisualStudioVersion)’ == ‘15.0’" v141

so Visual Studio 2017 with an 141 early library

Now what I need to find is how to enable D3D12 instead??

I have got into project setting for Windows platform and change from D3D11 to ENABLED D3D12 and Vulcan.
The Hardware rendering was DISABLED, which stopped the 3D/Shared memory being used.
I Enabled this again, set the preferred compiler to Visual Studio 2019.

The Editor automatically restarted and all the Shaders were recompiled, like they should have been. All the content has now been cooked for windows without any problems.
Here is the log for Nanite showing for

LogD3D12RHI: Display: D3D12 ReleaseResources: “Nanite.VisBuffer64”, 1528 x 452 x 1, Mips: 1, Format: 0x11, Flags: 0x4
LogD3D12RHI: Display: D3D12 ReleaseResources: “Nanite.MaterialRange”, 1 x 1 x 1, Mips: 1, Format: 0x11, Flags: 0x4
[2021.06.15-06.30.01:337][174]LogD3D12RHI: ~FD3D12DynamicRHI closing