Scene: You and I are walking in a field, the Sun is shining, the birds are singing
I put my hand on your shoulder,
“You know, @MrGoatsy,” 
We keep walking
Trees sway gently in the breeze as we pass
“I used to know exactly how you felt…” 
We look around for a moment, enjoying the Beauty of Nature
Birds chirp excitedly, wondering what comes next
“I discovered color! And I realized just how much color the human body really does enjoy imbibing on a daily basis via UE5 editor screens…”
Some nearby squirrels twitch their tails, affirming that “yes this is true”
“And now, my nervous system is able to tick(float DeltaSeconds) at a much faster rate, because I have adapted to viewing such bright colors, which, now that I am happier because of this accelerated nervous system functionality, I can only presume was the intended quantity of color that we were meant to enjoy on a daily basis!”
I gently point to the Sun
“Can you imagine billions upon billions of highly charged ions pouring forth from the Sun in a Rainbow Kaleidoscope of Joyous Variety so Great, that every fiber of your body thrills with the excitement, just of simply perceiving so much color?”
“Yes, Dear @MrGoatsy, as you adapt to perceiving rich colors again, restoring your color-deprived eyes to their native levels of daily Joyous Color Ingestion, you too will one day be asked why your UE5 Editor is so bright, and you may well remember this conversation! You will realize how happy you have become, since ingesting more colors with your eyes, Rich and Beautiful, on a daily basis, and I hope it is with happiness that you will remember these words of mine to you!”
The Sun turns into a swirling Iridescent Rainbow of Joyful Colors as the scene fades…
The feathers of the birds, the bark of the trees, and the fur of the squirrels begin to look more beautiful than you have ever seen before…
