Victory Plugin For UE5
You Can Easily Create Save Game Images With Victory Plugin for UE5!
Dear Community,
I am making my Victory Plugin for UE5!
Please let me know which VictoryPlugin nodes you want most from the UE4 version and I can work on bringing them into UE5!
** Community Bonus**: Easy Way to Activate Your Pineal Gland For Cleaner Coding / Faster Development Cycle

Download Links 

Victory Plugin for UE5.0
Victory Plugin for UE5.1
Victory Plugin for UE5.2
UE5.3 (Yes, UE5.21 will have 22 Lightning Bolts after it! )
Victory Plugin for UE5.3
Victory Plugin for UE5.4
Victory Plugin for UE5.5
(UE.521 is currently scheduled to be released from the Unreal Engine HQ that will be located in the Red Spot of Jupiter in June, 2025)
Get Static Mesh Vertex Positions (Scaled, Rotated, & Translated!) 
See The UE5 C++ Code For Get Static Mesh Vertex Location In World Space!
Create New Static Mesh Assets From Dynamic Meshes! 
How to Create Your Own Modeling Tools in BP Constructor Script, Example Content Included
's Color Picker Wheel For UE5 
This is my first UE5 Video with me talking in it, Hiii!
Full Details on the Color Picker and UE5 C++ Code For You!
Create OS Process (.exe) And Get Output Directly in Unreal Engine 5!
Get Text From Any
Running .EXE on Your Computer! 
Below is a picture of me capturing the output of a .exe on my computer, a video compression tool, HandBrake!
The output of STDOUT of the .exe is coming directly into UE4, using only Blueprints!
Get File And Folder Paths, Load Object From Path, Get OS Clipboard String & More!
Here is my initial Gift of nodes for UE5:
// Load Object
/** The FName that is expected is the exact same format as when you right click on asset -> Copy Reference! You can directly paste copied references into this node! IsValid lets you know if the path was correct or not and I was able to load the object. MAKE SURE TO SAVE THE RETURNED OBJECT AS A VARIABLE. Otherwise your shiny new asset will get garbage collected. I recommend you cast the return value to the appropriate object and then promote it to a variable :) - */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Victory BP Library|Misc", Meta = (DeterminesOutputType = "ObjectClass"))
static UObject* LoadObjectFromAssetPath(TSubclassOf<UObject> ObjectClass, FName Path, bool& IsValid);
/** Uses the same format as I use for LoadObjectFromAssetPath! Use this node to get the asset path of objects in the world! - */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Victory BP Library|Misc")
static FName GetObjectPath(UObject* Obj);
// Math
/** Easily add to an integer! <3 */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (CompactNodeTitle = "+=",Keywords = "increment integer"), Category = "Victory BP Library|Math|Integer")
static void VictoryIntPlusEquals(UPARAM(ref) int32& Int, int32 Add, int32& IntOut);
/** Easily subtract from an integer! <3 */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (CompactNodeTitle = "-=",Keywords = "decrement integer"), Category = "Victory BP Library|Math|Integer")
static void VictoryIntMinusEquals(UPARAM(ref) int32& Int, int32 Sub, int32& IntOut);
/** Easily add to a float! <3 */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (CompactNodeTitle = "+=",Keywords = "increment float"), Category = "Victory BP Library|Math|Float")
static void VictoryFloatPlusEquals(UPARAM(ref) float& Float, float Add, float& FloatOut);
/** Easily subtract from a float! <3 */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (CompactNodeTitle = "-=",Keywords = "decrement float"), Category = "Victory BP Library|Math|Float")
static void VictoryFloatMinusEquals(UPARAM(ref) float& Float, float Sub, float& FloatOut);
// UMG
* Find first widget of a certain class and return it.
* @param WidgetClass The widget class to filter by.
* @param TopLevelOnly Only a widget that is a direct child of the viewport will be returned.
UFUNCTION(Category = "Victory BP Library|UMG", BlueprintCallable, BlueprintCosmetic, Meta = (WorldContext = "WorldContextObject", DeterminesOutputType = "WidgetClass"))
static UUserWidget* GetFirstWidgetOfClass(UObject* WorldContextObject, TSubclassOf<UUserWidget> WidgetClass, bool TopLevelOnly);
UFUNCTION(Category = "Victory BP Library|UMG", BlueprintCallable, BlueprintCosmetic, Meta = (DefaultToSelf = "ParentWidget", DeterminesOutputType = "WidgetClass", DynamicOutputParam = "ChildWidgets"))
static void WidgetGetChildrenOfClass(UWidget* ParentWidget, TArray<UUserWidget*>& ChildWidgets, TSubclassOf<UUserWidget> WidgetClass, bool bImmediateOnly);
// File I/O
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Victory BP Library|File IO")
static FDateTime Victory_GetFileTimeStamp(const FString& File);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Victory BP Library|File IO")
static void Victory_SetTimeStamp(const FString& File, const FDateTime& TimeStamp);
/** Obtain all files in a provided directory, with optional extension filter. All files are returned if Ext is left blank. Returns false if operation could not occur. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Victory BP Library|File IO")
static bool Victory_GetFiles(TArray<FString>& Files, FString RootFolderFullPath, FString Ext);
/** Obtain all files in a provided root directory, including all subdirectories, with optional extension filter. All files are returned if Ext is left blank. The full file path is returned because the file could be in any subdirectory. Returns false if operation could not occur. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Victory BP Library|File IO")
static bool Victory_GetFilesInRootAndAllSubFolders(TArray<FString>& Files, FString RootFolderFullPath, FString Ext);
// OS
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Victory BP Library|String")
static void Victory_GetStringFromOSClipboard(FString& FromClipboard);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Victory BP Library|String")
static void Victory_SaveStringToOSClipboard(const FString& ToClipboard);
/** Is the Current Game Window the Foreground window in the OS, or in the Editor? This will be accurate in standalone running of the game as well as in the editor PIE */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "Victory BP Library|Game Window")
static bool ClientWindow__GameWindowIsForeGroundInOS();
// Windows OS
/** Flashes the game on the windows OS task bar! Please note this won't look the best in PIE, flashing is smoother in Standalone or packaged game. You can use GameWindowIsForeGroundInOS to see if there is a need to get the user's attention! <3 */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Victory BP Library|Game Window")
static void FlashGameOnTaskBar(APlayerController* PC, bool FlashContinuous=false, int32 MaxFlashCount = 3, int32 FlashFrequencyMilliseconds=500);
Table Of Contents Of Victory BP Nodes
Get Pixels from T2D (Think, Procedural Level From PNG), Save/Load Strings To Disk, Etc.
2.Tip Community Tip on Successfully Using the Family of Get Pixels From T2D Functions!
Call Any .EXE From Your Device And Get Realtime Text Output, Using Only 3 BP Nodes!
Yay for UE5!