This fixed it for me, thank you! Disable “Use Fixed Frame Rate” in the Project Settings.
My fix was to disable ‘orient to movement’ in my movement component - which I was previously using for a different movement setup.
When moving backwards it was trying to orient to look backwards, but because im using control rotation for pawn direction, it turns back to the direction im looking. Big Jitter.
Also experiencing this issue here. The effects in standalone are minimized but still noticeable. The majority of fixes here were mostly ineffective for me.
It is worth noting that the same enhanced input action works very well on gamepad. It’s kinda like it’s not registering input for the mouse when its moving slowly. Sort of like a weird dead-zone. I even tried adding a dead-zone modifier to the input, thinking it may have been using some arbitrary lower cutoff value by default. But no luck.
Hoping we can get a little love from Epic on this one.
I have found if I start UE5 OFFLINE the stutter is there, If I shut down “Hub for UE5 runtime traces” in task manager then restart ONLINE there is no stutter. 5.1.1 with fresh Third person template… Can anyone corroborate ?
I had some stuttering with some animations I was blending (aim offset for aiming a pistol and walking animation blend space). Oddly enough for me, the stuttering was fixed when I enabled the “Use Fixed Frame Rate”. I am printing the YawOffset to the screen and noticed that the animation stutters when the YawOffset is not stable, that is to say that while moving around the YawOffset (used in the Aim Offset blueprint) appears to be jumping, from zero to some number. However, if the offset is stable (ie. not “jumping around”), then aiming while moving does not stutter. I’m using UE 5.1 and running it in the PIE. I’m also using the Enhanced Input. Anyway, I thought it was odd that I had to enable “Use Fixed Frame Rate” to fix the stuttering I was observing, while others had to disable it to fix their stuttering issue. It appears that the calculation of the YawOffset was affected by the Frame Rate in my case.
Experienced this issue a couple of days ago in UE5.1. It worked fine with a controller, but not with a keyboard and mouse. When using a mouse, it gave unstable input values, so I clamped those values to -0.9f and 0.9f before passing them on to the “AddControllerYawInput” and “AddControllerPitchInput” functions. Then, in the Project Settings, I turned on “Smooth frame rate” and set the “Smoothed frame rate range” to a minimum value of 30 and a maximum value of 200. That fixed the issue for me.
If you feel that the camera turns too slowly, you can multiply the clamped values by a larger number and also delta time.
Hope it helps!
Here’s the solution:
Just disable the modeling mode in the plugins.
How did this get into the production build? Why is editor plugin causing issues in game?
Thanks for sharing helpful info and to Epic: please fix.
Thank you so much! It’s insane this bug is still in 5.2.1
This fixed it for me. The specific plugin name was “Modeling Tools Editor Mode”
Just incredible!
Oh no! Disabling the Modeling plugin did fix it! Thank you so much!
I just spent two months rewriting and rethinking my AnimationInstance, Base Character and Camera classes thinking it was my fault!
This works for me… thanks (disabling modeling tools)
@FAXCORP @Shaw @Hiraeth @Katanalevy If you have the time, we would appreciate it if you could confirm whether this issue still occurs for you in 5.3.
In versions prior to 5.3, we had an issue with the UE StylusInput plugin, which is preliminary support for pen-tablets in UE Editor, that only Modeling Mode was enabling (which explains why disabling Modeling Mode fixes it).
The issue only occurred for some users, perhaps users with a tablet connected, or some other specific device (we are not certain as the Windows Ink system we use for Stylus Support also supports mouse and touch input devices, so it may not be strictly related to pen tablets). We disabled the Stylus Plugin dependency in Modeling Mode in 5.3 to work around the issue.
However, a user on Twitter has stated that they are seeing this behavior in 5.3. So, I am hoping one of you can confirm this and/or be willing to DM with me to try to troubleshoot what is happening (because internally we are not sure how to reproduce it)
@rmsEG Opened 5.3.1, created Third Person Sample project, made sure I had Modeling Editor Mode plugin enabled, I had my Huion drawing tablet connected, packaged the game and I am not experiencing any stuttering. Id say its fixed
This right here fixed it for me. I have been struggling for 2 weeks cause i didnt manage to find a solution as to why my weapon was stuttering in hand when moving and turning. One simple deactivation and my game feels 10 times better.
sadly this was already disabled for me and this fix did NOT work
this was already disabled in my project so it also does NOT work
I just had a similar problem and none of the solutions here worked.
My camera was jittering hard when moving/turning, which was caused by setting the location transform of the camera boom. Setting the rotation works fine, for distance leave the location transform at default and adjust the target arm length.
Insanja, i am having almost same problem. I am moving camera (without spring arm) with setting location transform. And i am getting this jittering. Have you found a fix?