Many unreal users were posting on the forums about the laggy camera input during movement.
We tried to tweak every setting in character BP, project settings, and input settings, and even some tried to find a workaround in code logic, but no luck.
The issue is that the camera is smooth while idle and not moving as soon you start to move, the camera becomes choppy, and the lag disappears as soon as a random keyboard button is pressed, as shown in the video below.
However, the solution is to disable the modeling mode in the plugins during testing and packaging. Then, if you shipped your game with modeling mode, the lag would be reduced but still be noticeable.
Thanks for the insight. Bumping because the bug greatly hinders gameplay out of the box, and there are numerous searches trying to solve this issue, so this could be of some help. This is still an issue for UE 5.2, but disabling the modeling tools does correct the problem. I understand that the plugin is still in beta, but perhaps the next update should disable this plugin by default for unknowing users. Great find.
Ok this bug is insane. Was doing a small project for a client and could not put a finger on the issue here. Now it seems to be fixed (using Unreal 5.1). I swear my days just keep getting stranger heh. Thank you for sharing this post.
5.3 doesnt seem fixed totally…im using orient to movement with enhencedinput…it still happens as i switch directions the character does not turn smoothly