UE5 Editor doesn't automatically open Rider EAP IDE


The problem is described in title :slight_smile:

I tried both “Rider” and “Rider Uproject” options

When I double click on C++ class or trying Tools → Open Rider in UE5 Editor I just see this notification in the left bottom corner:


but nothing is happen :frowning:

When I switch to Visual Studio everything works fine

Here is some information about my programs:

Name Version
Windows 10 (22H2)
Rider EAP 2024.2 EAP2 build 242.15523.27
Unreal Engine 5.4.2

Can someone please help me? I will glad to provide any additional information which you need :slight_smile:

The answer of Rider stuff (Alexander Pirogov):

As a super hacky-hack for the time being, you can do next:

  1. Copy RiderSourceCodeAccess plugin from the Engine into the Game/Plugins folder

  2. Remove Binaries and Intermediate folders from a new location

  3. In RiderSourceCodeAccess.cpp, swap

    FProcHandle Proc = FPlatformProcess::CreateProc(*PlatformAppAndArgs.App, *PlatformAppAndArgs.Args, true, true, false, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);


    FProcHandle Proc = FPlatformProcess::CreateProc(*PlatformAppAndArgs.App, *PlatformAppAndArgs.Args, true, true, false, nullptr, 0,
    												nullptr, nullptr);

P.S. In my case the file named as RiderSourceCodeAccessor.cpp but I think it is just a typo

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