Hi, I converted my project from UE5 Early Access to UE5.0, and ran into the crashing problem. It worked fine before, I used UE5 EA to package Android, iOS, Windows and Mac, and all succeeded.
Now I have tried UE5.0 Windows and Android packaging, Windows is fine but not for Android. I don’t have an Android phone, so I uploaded it to Firebase Test Lab, it showed the splash screen for 1 second then crashed. I created an empty project and package, still has the same issue.
Engine version: UE5.0 on Windows 11
Android version: Pixel 3(API level 28), Pixel 5e(API level 30)
Project settings:
Java version: 1.8.0_301
NDK API level: android-21
I believe the issues is not from the JRE/SDK/NDK setup, because it worked fine in UE5 EA with the same settings.
Result on Firebase:
I am not sure why caused that. The first line said “release-keys”, does it mean missing keystore file? I set that up but still not working. Neither development build nor distribution build worked. It also mentioned “ABI: arm64”, but I didn’t enable ABI spliting at all, even enabling it doesn’t get better.
In project settings, neither “Generate bundle(AAB) + Generate universal APK from bundle” nor deselecting AAB worked. And I cannot untick “Support arm64[aka arm64-v8a]”.
If AAB is not selected, it generates:
- AFS_-AppName-Shipping-arm64.apk
- AppName-Android-Shipping.aab
- AppName-Android-Shipping_universal.apk
If AAB is selected, it generates one extra file:
- AppName-Android-Shipping-arm64.apk
Uploading .aab or .apk to Firebase have the same issue. The splitting options confuse me, since Firebase allows to upload only one file, I don’t want to split. I believe AAB is for distribution and APK is for testing, splitting is used for reducing app size and targeting devices with different architecture. I also tried disabling “Share Material Shader Code” and “Shared Material Native Libraries” in Packaging, but didn’t solve it.
I would be glad if anyone can provide some solution.