I am having issues trying to deploy my game through google play and whenever I launch the game it crashes on the splash screen and says failed to load the descriptor file.
When I press okay the game crashes and if I try to reload the game it just keeps doing the same thing.
I configured my settings the way it was shown in (Packaging Android Projects in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation).
The only crash report I have shows: Native crash at signal 11 (SIGSEGV), in split_config.arm64_v8a.apk!libUnreal…
I am currently using:
Unreal Engine 5.0.2,
Android Studio 4.0
Visual Studio 2019
Pixel 2 on android 11 & Pixel 5 on android 12
SDK: Target 30, Minimum 23
NDK: 21.4.7075529
JDK: 1.8.0_241
This is my log from when Packaging the Game for Android ATSC
This is my log for when I Quick Launch onto my Pixel 2 (same result for Pixel 5)
This is the screen that loads, as soon as you click Ok the game crashes, relaunching results in the same image:
These are my packaging, android, and Android SDK settings.
I have tried using Android Studio 3.5.3, as well as Visual Studio Code 2021.
I have tried changing
SDK, Target (21-31) Minimum (9-23)
NDK, (21.1.6452462),(24.0.8215888)
JDK, (1.8.0_77),(1.8.0_112),(1.8.0_202),(
based on forum suggestions all with either the same results or without packaging at all.
Other Things I’ve tried:
I would really appreciate any suggestions or fixes anyone can think of, this is my first time posting a question so hopefully I have provided enough information to help.
Thank you to everyone in advance!