UE5.5 widget screen multiplayer doesn't work

I am a beginner, and find some problem with widget in multiplayer game.when I set the space “world”,both two players can see the widget.but when I change it to “screen”, the server side can’t see client player widget.And I try again in UE5.4,it works

Has anyone encountered the similar problem? I can‘t handle this problem.

I think it’s a bug. When I play as Client, both players can see all four widgets. When I play as Listen server, the Server can’t see the Client’s widget. I can’t figure out a bandaid fix. Very frustrating.

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I’ll keep this thread alive as it is definitely a bug that the host can not see screen space widgets attached to characters. I changed to world space and added logic to always face camera, but this is not a good solution for my game because it changes by distance and is hidden behind objects.

There is another solution to add the widget to a blueprint actor and attach that to the character. This works for simple consistent widgets, but mine is dynamic with several elements that has code coming from other blueprints. This causes me to rework my entire widget system in order for the data to be fed through a bp attached to the character. I am trying to figure out when this will be fixed to know if I need to fundamentally change my code or not.

I’ll try to keep this post active.

I did not see this anywhere in the bug tracker so I submitted it as a bug and I hope to get notified on any status change.

I just hit this also. I’ve tracked the problem down to the fact that the widget attached to the client’s pawn never ticks. Screen space widget components appear to update their transforms via tick, so if the component never ticks, the transform is presumably zero, or the identity, or some default value, rather than an on-screen transform.

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Just for anybody looking for info on this, I spent some time debugging and tracked it down to a bug in UWidgetComponent in finding local player owners for remote pawns from the listen server. I looked for the bug tracker submission above but couldn’t find it, so I made my own submission and included the repro and all the info I had regarding the cause.

The issue seems to be work-around-able by subclassing UWidgetComponent and overriding the owner player with the first available local player: this info used internally for sorting screen widgets and doesn’t seem to have any other effect (aside from making the widget fail to add to screen for remote client pawns). Just leaving this here in case anybody else runs into the same problem.

After you’ve subclassed the component, just use it in place of your standard UWidgetComponent in your pawn blueprint. I haven’t tested extensively but this seems to work around the issue ok from my end.


Just bumped this too. Convinient feature for name tags and such, shame it’s not working as expected :frowning: