UE5.5 Heterogeneous Volume Blurry from Movie Sequencer

hey hey guys! Was wondering if anyone has run into the same issue in UE5.5 rendering VDB heterogeneous volumes from movie sequencer with Lumen coming out really blurry compared to the editor now? I haven’t had this issue in 5.3 and they were rendering out as expected. Was wondering if anything changed that I should be looking at by any chance? Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!

I’ve added a pic of the render

vs the editor

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@noriku Did you solve it?

Having the same issue…

This could be due to depth of field from camera.

r.DepthOfField.DepthBlur.Amount 0
r.DepthOfFieldQuality 0

still no fix sadly, have tried playing around with the render settings and anti aliasing settings + depth of field but nothing seems to make a difference on the volumes rendering, everything else in the scene yes but volumes still come out super blurry :frowning:

still haven’t found a solution to this sadly :frowning: I’ll keep everyone updated here if anything comes up or if any fix is introduced in future updates but so far still getting the same issue. Every other version downwards from 5.5 works as expected for now though

yeeah I have played with those settings in my renders but they all seem to affect everything else in the scene while still ignoring the heterogeneous volume rendering, it still comes out very blurry sadly and can’t seem to find a fix around it in 5.5. Thanks for the suggestions though! Appreciate it!