Hey, really need some help here.
I’ve ported my project from ue 5.2 to .3 recently. and it was all good until i decided to make a build.
the build proceeds fine, but when executed it never loads, it just gets stuck. apparently in a loop of sorts.
i tried building in windows and in linux and in both it has the exact same behavior.
when i tried to hook it into a debugger and stop it, it’s stopped on one of the load pacakges function and if i put a breakpoint it keeps calling it. the only suspicious thing i found in the logs is that it prints this message for every single plugin in my game, all of them.
[2023.09.18-05.55.32:687][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library 'MediaCompositing', but could not find it neither as a monolithic library nor as a chunked one.
[2023.09.18-05.55.32:687][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library 'GeometryMode', but could not find it neither as a monolithic library nor as a chunked one.
[2023.09.18-05.55.32:687][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library 'Metasound', but could not find it neither as a monolithic library nor as a chunked one.
[2023.09.18-05.55.32:687][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library 'IKRig', but could not find it neither as a monolithic library nor as a chunked one.
[2023.09.18-05.55.32:687][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library 'AudioSynesthesia', but could not find it neither as a monolithic library nor as a chunked one.
[2023.09.18-05.55.32:687][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library 'Fab', but could not find it neither as a monolithic library nor as a chunked one.
[2023.09.18-05.55.32:687][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library 'ControlRig', but could not find it neither as a monolithic library nor as a chunked one.
[2023.09.18-05.55.32:687][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library 'Sounds', but could not find it neither as a monolithic library nor as a chunked one.
[2023.09.18-05.55.32:687][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library 'ChaosSolverPlugin', but could not find it neither as a monolithic library nor as a chunked one.
[2023.09.18-05.55.32:687][ 0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library 'ResonanceAudio', but could not find it neither as a monolithic library nor as a chunked one.
another detail is that i’ve upgraded from
DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V3;
IncludeOrderVersion = EngineIncludeOrderVersion.Unreal5_2;
DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V4;
IncludeOrderVersion = EngineIncludeOrderVersion.Unreal5_3;
i tried rolling back and doing a full build but it made no difference.
i truly appreciate any help since as it is now my whole project is blocked, and i have many blueprint changes that i need to keep (not compatible with ue5.2.
when debugging using rider it always stays locked in
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] FAsyncLoadingThread2::TickAsyncLoadingFromGameThread(FAsyncLoadingThreadState2 & __ptr64,bool,bool,double,TArrayView<int const ,int>,bool & __ptr64) __ptr64 0x00007ff70761e99c
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] FAsyncLoadingThread2::FlushLoading(TArrayView<int const ,int>) __ptr64 0x00007ff7076043c7
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] FlushAsyncLoading(TArrayView<int const ,int>) 0x00007ff707603158
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] FlushAsyncLoading(int) 0x00007ff707602d8c
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] LoadPackageInternal(UPackage * __ptr64,FPackagePath const & __ptr64,unsigned int,FLinkerLoad * __ptr64,FArchive * __ptr64,FLinkerInstancingContext const * __ptr64,FPackagePath const * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70797c205
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] LoadPackage(UPackage * __ptr64,FPackagePath const & __ptr64,unsigned int,FArchive * __ptr64,FLinkerInstancingContext const * __ptr64,FPackagePath const * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70797b8ac
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] LoadPackage(UPackage * __ptr64,wchar_t const * __ptr64,unsigned int,FArchive * __ptr64,FLinkerInstancingContext const * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70797bb54
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] ResolveName(UObject * __ptr64 & __ptr64,FString & __ptr64,bool,bool,unsigned int,FLinkerInstancingContext const * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70798f457
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] StaticLoadObjectInternal(UClass * __ptr64,UObject * __ptr64,wchar_t const * __ptr64,wchar_t const * __ptr64,unsigned int,UPackageMap * __ptr64,bool,FLinkerInstancingContext const * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70799dd0a
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] StaticLoadObject(UClass * __ptr64,UObject * __ptr64,wchar_t const * __ptr64,wchar_t const * __ptr64,unsigned int,UPackageMap * __ptr64,bool,FLinkerInstancingContext const * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70799d412
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] ConstructorHelpersInternal::FindOrLoadObject<UMaterialParameterCollection>(FString &,unsigned int) 0x00007ff70ebc4309
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UMaterialParameterCollection>::FObjectFinder<UMaterialParameterCollection>(const wchar_t *,unsigned int) 0x00007ff70ebc770f
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] ULDialogUI::ULDialogUI() 0x00007ff70ebe849d
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] InternalConstructor<ULDialogUI>(const FObjectInitializer &) 0x00007ff70eb7ba82
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] UClass::CreateDefaultObject(void) __ptr64 0x00007ff70764130a
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] FAsyncLoadingThread2::ProcessPendingCDOs(FAsyncLoadingThreadState2 & __ptr64) __ptr64 0x00007ff707612081
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] FAsyncLoadingThread2::TickAsyncLoadingFromGameThread(FAsyncLoadingThreadState2 & __ptr64,bool,bool,double,TArrayView<int const ,int>,bool & __ptr64) __ptr64 0x00007ff70761eb8a
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] FAsyncLoadingThread2::FlushLoading(TArrayView<int const ,int>) __ptr64 0x00007ff7076043c7
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] FlushAsyncLoading(TArrayView<int const ,int>) 0x00007ff707603158
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] FlushAsyncLoading(int) 0x00007ff707602d8c
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] LoadPackageInternal(UPackage * __ptr64,FPackagePath const & __ptr64,unsigned int,FLinkerLoad * __ptr64,FArchive * __ptr64,FLinkerInstancingContext const * __ptr64,FPackagePath const * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70797c205
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] LoadPackage(UPackage * __ptr64,FPackagePath const & __ptr64,unsigned int,FArchive * __ptr64,FLinkerInstancingContext const * __ptr64,FPackagePath const * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70797b8ac
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] LoadPackage(UPackage * __ptr64,wchar_t const * __ptr64,unsigned int,FArchive * __ptr64,FLinkerInstancingContext const * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70797bb54
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] ResolveName(UObject * __ptr64 & __ptr64,FString & __ptr64,bool,bool,unsigned int,FLinkerInstancingContext const * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70798f457
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] StaticLoadObjectInternal(UClass * __ptr64,UObject * __ptr64,wchar_t const * __ptr64,wchar_t const * __ptr64,unsigned int,UPackageMap * __ptr64,bool,FLinkerInstancingContext const * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70799dd0a
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] StaticLoadObject(UClass * __ptr64,UObject * __ptr64,wchar_t const * __ptr64,wchar_t const * __ptr64,unsigned int,UPackageMap * __ptr64,bool,FLinkerInstancingContext const * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70799d412
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] StaticLoadClass(UClass * __ptr64,UObject * __ptr64,wchar_t const * __ptr64,wchar_t const * __ptr64,unsigned int,UPackageMap * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70799cdc9
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] ConstructorHelpersInternal::FindOrLoadClass(FString &,UClass *) 0x00007ff70e12ac52
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<UDialogUI>::FClassFinder<UDialogUI>(const wchar_t *) 0x00007ff70ebc6d9f
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] ALDialogMan::ALDialogMan() 0x00007ff70ebcde88
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] InternalConstructor<ALDialogMan>(const FObjectInitializer &) 0x00007ff70eb7b732
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] UClass::CreateDefaultObject(void) __ptr64 0x00007ff70764130a
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] <unknown> 0x00007ff70792a053
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] ProcessNewlyLoadedUObjects(FName,bool) 0x00007ff707907930
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] FEngineLoop::PreInitPostStartupScreen(wchar_t const * __ptr64) __ptr64 0x00007ff70e114a0c
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] GuardedMain(wchar_t const * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70e10df98
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] GuardedMainWrapper(wchar_t const * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70e10e2ea
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] LaunchWindowsStartup(HINSTANCE__ * __ptr64,HINSTANCE__ * __ptr64,char * __ptr64,int,wchar_t const * __ptr64) 0x00007ff70e111196
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] WinMain 0x00007ff70e120d94
[Inlined] [LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] invoke_main() 0x00007ff71187c9fa
[LifeDev-Win64-DebugGame.exe] __scrt_common_main_seh() 0x00007ff71187c9d9
[kernel32.dll] <unknown> 0x00007ffa5c85257d
[ntdll.dll] <unknown> 0x00007ffa5cdaaa68
which seems to be locked loading a package from one of my classes defaults in cpp.
this was working fine and i did not change it. it seems to me it might be just spinlocking due to the flushasyncloading.
since if you read at the call chain there are 2 flushasyncloading being called one inside the other. i wonder if its just locked waiting for itself.