PlatformAllowList missing runtime platform gives bizarre errors in logs

I recently encountered a strange issue that took me a couple of days to resolve, so I thought I’d post here for anybody searching for a solution in the future.

I was trying to build my game in UE 5.3 for a new platform (WinGDK in my case, but the actual platform is not really relevant). And while the build was successful, I couldn’t get the game to run from either the editor (launch on local PC with WinGDK) or from a build deployed via the WinGDK tools. The game would launch and play my startup movies, then give an error and exit.

Looking at the logs, I saw a whole bunch of errors like these spread throughout the startup logs for nearly every single feature of UE:

LogShaderLibrary: Display: Tried to open shader library ‘Niagara’, but could not find it neither as a monolithic library nor as a chunked one.

LogPackageName: Display: FPackageName: Mount point added: ‘…/…/…/Engine/Plugins/FX/Niagara/Content/’ mounted to ‘/Niagara/’

These say ‘Niagara’, but there were dozens of these errors for various features like IKRig, Metasound and all my 3rd party code plugins there as well.

Long story short, I had a couple of 3rd party code plugins that were missing the required row from the PlatformAllowList for the runtime modules. For example, in one .uplugin file, I added the last line and the problems all disappeared!
“PlatformAllowList”: [

So, this is quite a simple fix to a dumb mistake on my part, but wow, what a terrible runtime error message! I’m not sure how to put two and two together from those log entries more directly…