UE5.2 Foliage Wind debugging

Hi, I need some help with the shader when creating wind effect for my foliage. UE 5.2 WPO Wind Effect debugging - YouTube

The result in the following tutorial is the desired outcome I am looking for. UE5 -Set up Foliage Animation with Variations ( using VertexColor and World Position Offset ) - YouTube

Thank you.

I encountered the same problem with my project on 5.2. The issue persisted on trees and foliage with SpeedTree wind and different custom winds as well.
The issue seems to be quite frequent but very much unsolved fully yet.
I’ve partially solved this issue on trees made in SpeedTree this way:

  1. In speed tree materials functions find SpeedTreeWind and inside of it sharedWind section, there you need to change BoundingBox function to this Instance-Local Bounding Box UVWs | Unreal engine Code Snippet
  2. Change the transformPosition node inside of it source-> instance & particle space
  3. Inside the same material function open speedtreebranchmotion function and there connect subtract node befor anchor input with input position(vector3) on top of it