UE5.1 Pawn location replication? OUT OF SYNC

Hi Folks,
I’m at the point of pausing my project due to this annoying problem. I can’t seem to replicate my pawn movement efficiently for players. I’m using a vehicle with chaos movement component. I replicated the PC input with events but that last only so long until the pawn gets out of sync in the world. REPLICATE MOVEMENT in the Pawn is super super laggy but it does work. I read on forum someone shoved there vehicle into a character class. I tried and I cant even get it to drive now. How can I replicate my location to other clients. Multicast repnotify of some sort? I know -5% of C++ so a blueprint direction would be grateful. I read something about a network prediction plugin but I havent clue. Thanks for the help!

Other info:
All controls are in the PC not the Pawn.
Dedicated Server design

SmoothSync 5.1 did the trick

Reverting my spawned class back to pawn. Once its back to pawn ill take screencaps if helpful.

After more digging I might have actually done it. The down side is that its based on Multicast so its a super bandwidth sucker. Maybe I can fine tune with rep notify and only update pawn’s location nearby!

Yep multicast alone with tick is laggy and glitchy. Ugh where do i go from here…

After playing around it appears it all breaks when “simulating physics”. I’ve enabled “Simulate physics” within a character class and replicate movement breaks. I don’t believe its really related to the Pawn vs Character.

More research I suppose

I suggest replicating PC input like you did initially, but add movement correction to keep them in sync. Replicate server positions every now and then, and correct the client(s) when needed, either with a teleport or smoothly interpolate the error out.

This is not ideal but a proper solution without c++ would probably be very tedious.

Thanks. I’ve going to give “SmoothSync” a shot as well when 5.1 version drops and will report back.