UE5.1 material preview turning black with the HDR still visible.

As you can see from the pictures, the material ball and the platform both turned into black. The HDR backdrop can still project image to the ball but the objects are not lighted. In Unlit mode everything is OK. Do you have some ideas?

I tried to reinstall the HDRI plugiun but the problem is still there.

I notice you’re using a profile there. Have you tried it with the default?

Yes. Ive tried the default option.

I am also having the same issues on UE 5.1. It only persists on material preview on lit mode with or without HDR. Unlit, path tracing works just fine.

It is also weird that none of the quixel material is showing this behaviour.

I created a simple color material to demonstrate this problem. Maybe a greater mind can share light on us on how to rectify this problem.

See below link for snapshots on the issues. (Expires 1/30/2023)

Same problem, custom profile.

Things are dark at night


I tried increasing the directional light intensity to no avail. 0 - 1000 still yields the same result.

I would say, reset the preview scene profile, but I have no idea how to do that :smiley:

Turn this setting off in your project settings.


That got it working for me - thanks!

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