UE5.1.1 , Preparing Shaders (4000+) ?



Why it needs so much Shaders in Standalone Game ,
it just a First Person Template , a empty scene
how to fix this issue ?

It needs to prepare shaders and should only do so once. It will have to recompile shaders after a while when assets have not been in use or you change rendering pipeline. Do you have to prepare shaders every time you run in Standalone Game?

Also experiencing a full shader recompile every time I launch a standalone game after updating to 5.1.1. Any solutions?

Hi @HTPlatypus, Welcome to the Forums,

If you let the shader compile completely finish, do you still see a recompile?

I tried reproducing this, (5.1.1, First Person Template) and I exited the stand-alone launch before all shaders finished compiling, when I re-launched it did not resume at the same number. (Started at 4,600 → Exited at 4,000 → Resumed at 4,500) But after letting the compile finish, It was launching without compiling any shaders.

That was it, for me it was a full 8,000 shaders on every standalone launch until I let it finish all the way, don’t know why I didn’t try that, thank you!

Hi there @wde21345sac, hope you’re well.

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