UE5.1.1 Dedicated Server and Editor client connection problem

[2023.03.27-02.36.44:756][ 0]LogLoad: (Engine Initialization) Total time: 2.17 seconds
[2023.03.27-02.37.07:145][667]LogNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection accepted from:

[2023.03.27-02.37.07:145][667]LogNetVersion: PokeHunter, NetCL: 0, EngineNetVer: 30, GameNetVer: 0 (Checksum: 2324907256)

[2023.03.27-02.37.07:146][667]LogHandshake: CheckVersion: Incompatible version.

bValidHandshakeVersion: 1,
bValidNetVersion: 0,
GHandshakeEnforceNetworkCLVersion: 0,

RemoteMinVersion: 3,
RemoteCurVersion: 3,
MinSupportedHandshakeVersion: 3,
CurrentHandshakeVersion: 3,

RemoteNetworkVersion: -1714019318,
LocalNetworkVersion: -1970060040

[2023.03.27-02.37.07:148][667]LogHandshake: SendConnectChallenge. Timestamp: 22.384993, Cookie: 246237146141127152243155089095034065037055154014228012212236


The above record is the execution log of the Dedicated server of UE5.
UE5 Editor Stand Alone Mode
When you access the packaged Dedicated server
The above record will be recorded.
Is there a way to solve this problem?

Hello there Lem92!

Stand Alone mode is when you are making a game without any networking capabilities. So, you won’t be able to connect your stand alone instance to any server. Try with Client Mode.

The other problem I see from the log excerpt you posted, is that it complains about an incompatible version. Seems like the packaged version’s instance (namely the Dedicated Server instance) has a different version compared to the client you are trying to connect from. I am not very knowledgeable about packaging games, but these would be my best guesses as to what you should look into based on your log excerpt.