- add an input key selector widget to your UserWidget.
- run PIE, click the widget and select an input key using the keyboard.
- G works, Shift + G works, Ctrl + G works, but Shift + Ctrl + G just sets “G”.
with such a widget it either just works or is unusable to me. If I want to set an entire input chord I want to do just that. On mouse it’s not even working at all. It’s pointless to include features which are broken. “Here’s a new bike, flat tires but you can fix that right?”. Every single feature released.
Here’s the issue:
FReply SInputKeySelector::OnKeyUp( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent )
FKey KeyUp = InKeyEvent.GetKey();
EModifierKey::Type ModifierKey = EModifierKey::FromBools(
InKeyEvent.IsControlDown() && KeyUp != EKeys::LeftControl && KeyUp != EKeys::RightControl,
InKeyEvent.IsAltDown() && KeyUp != EKeys::LeftAlt && KeyUp != EKeys::RightAlt,
InKeyEvent.IsShiftDown() && KeyUp != EKeys::LeftShift && KeyUp != EKeys::RightShift,
InKeyEvent.IsCommandDown() && KeyUp != EKeys::LeftCommand && KeyUp != EKeys::RightCommand );
// Dont allow chords consisting of just modifier keys.
if ( bIsSelectingKey && (bAllowGamepadKeys || KeyUp.IsGamepadKey() == false) && ( KeyUp.IsModifierKey() == false || ModifierKey == EModifierKey::None ) )
SetIsSelectingKey( false );
if (bEscapeCancelsSelection && (KeyUp == EKeys::Escape || IsEscapeKey(KeyUp)))
return FReply::Handled();
ModifierKey == EModifierKey::Shift,
ModifierKey == EModifierKey::Control,
ModifierKey == EModifierKey::Alt,
ModifierKey == EModifierKey::Command);
return FReply::Handled();
else if (!bIsSelectingKey && Button.IsValid())
return Button->OnKeyUp(MyGeometry, InKeyEvent);
return SCompoundWidget::OnKeyUp( MyGeometry, InKeyEvent );
Go catch em all