[UE5.1.1] Attaching camera component to player camera manager glitches rotation on tick.

I have an alternative way of managing cameras, so I’ll just go with that. I wanted to do a “quick” Blueprint prototype and was surprised by the amount of crap I found to be not working.

  1. Add a blueprint playercontroller and playercameramanager.
  2. Add a gamemode and make it use the controller.
  3. configure controller to not look for a camera, it doesn’t have one. Even if I’d add one it is invisible in the editor (?). set the camera manager class.


  1. open the camera manager, add a camera with a 80 deg rotation down at 1000 height.



  1. on BeginPlay on camera manager make sure it becomes the view target. For whatever reason SetViewTarget is not accessible in BP so we call it on the playercontroller which calls it on the manager in c++…

Boot the game, see how it transitions to the camera on the camera manager and then glitches out on tick, looks like it flips back and forth the camera and some non existing one, which you’d see if you don’t configure anything (some rando horizontal position from playercontroller?)

  1. go “fck this fck that” and prepare for PTSD since this is a daily joke. Happens on a clean 5.1.1 project nothing added.

Attach the camera actor to a pawn, not a player camera manager.
I don’t even need a pawn but it works for now.

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