Hi Ue4 AnswerHub,
My question isn’t about a problem that must be resolved it’s way more simple. I post this quesion for some advice and informations of better professionals in Level Design.
I was working in Ue4 on a simple mediveal Environment for my game idea. I created a good begining concept and applyed the landscape. I used for the Landscape Material a Landscape Auto Marerial (LAM). I bought this from the content store Landscape Auto Material in Environments - UE Marketplace. I’m still in the beginner step of learning how to create a really good game Environment but I’m trying to get better. After I applyed the Landscape to my terrain , I started to watch these video demo/tutorials.
Video 1 UE4 - LAM - Terrain creation. - YouTube
Video 2 Get Started With LAM for UE4 - YouTube
Now to my questions: If you watch video 1 you see at the beginnig the Youtuber shows the demomap in a complete high Quality “view” or whatever this mode is and swithes at 0:26 to the editor mode. I was wondering what kind of view he used at the beginning because it looks way better then after he started his editing of a new map. Is this view a show Cinema or can this actullay be in a game?
How do I get this sort of view/mode because the owner of the LAM package shows in his demovideo (video 2) how he’s making a demo terrain in this Quality the whole time. I’d like to have the same one because it looks a lot more realistic. Is there any Option I can get to this sort or editor mode?
And last question what’s the difference between those two views? Are Auto Materials for Landscapes recommended in the Game production or is it more a tool for beginners?
I’m a bit confused right now. I’m wondering why my terrain looks so different and not actually like the demo or pictures in the store. Look at my Pictures -
I’m looking Forward for advices and informations! I really want to know more about this.
All best George Hayden