[UE 5.3.2] - God Rays dissapeared

Lumen does look good in Unreal 5.3, but I can not get those God Rays I used to have. I tried every setting possible, and even when they do appear on the preview by pushing the settings, they do not appear when rendering the video. Please help.

I’ve only recently started getting into UE5 and Lumen and had a similar problem. I stumbled over your post while trying to get to a solution.

Just in-case it helps I found that “Directional light > Light Shafts > Light Shafts Bloom” was switched off on creation of the light, the tutorials I’ve been following don’t seem to mention this.

Also, I’ve found if I include a HDRIBackdrop, it seems to block the God Ray part of the directional light from functioning as well.

I suspect you’ve covered these already, at the very least this bumps the post up :slight_smile:

This older post covers the issue I was having with my HDRI backdrop seemingly blocking the light shafts, 27:20.

Sorry for the double post, but I can’t edit my last one it seems.