UE 4.26.2 Mobile PostProcessing pass input

I am using mobile postprocessing pass on PC platform (call it from PostProcessing.cpp → AddPostProcessingPasses()) and this pass takes FMobileSceneTextureUniformParameters on input, but on PC I have only FSceneTextureUniformParameters (Inputs.SceneTextures).

Is it possible convert FSceneTextureUniformParameters to FMobileSceneTextureUniformParameters?

In fact I need only SceneDepth, is it possible to get SceneDepth from Inputs.SceneTextures and set it to same FMobileSceneTextureUniformParameters? Something like this:

TRDGUniformBufferRef<FMobileSceneTextureUniformParameters> MobileSceneTextures;

MobileSceneTextures.SceneDepth = Inputs.SceneTextures.SceneDepth;

AddPass(..., MobileSceneTextures);

These structures are so hard to understand for me.