[Twitch] - June 19, 2014

I subscribed to that thread just yesterday, outage happened before. Strange, but maybe it’s related.

We have no idea what happened to that thread. It was posted well after the forum glitch.

In any event, here are the same details on our blog: ://blog./2014/06/-ue4-subscription-clarification/

Hope this helps!

Quickquestion: If I create some trees with the modeler using my own assets (textures, etc) can I sell this trees by myself?

Hi , thanks for the link! I have some technical questions related to a project I’m working on, not clarified in the pointed blog post; I hope you can assist me:

  1. is programmatic modification of vegetation supported? (e.g. to create a “grass cutting” effect - for example with the dynamic switch of models inside a specified area)
  2. are animations (mainly the wind effect) properly synchronised between multiple clients on the network? (so that all clients see the exact same effect applied at the same time?)
  3. is the runtime usable from C++?
  4. is the C++ runtime source code included (as in the traditional/custom license)?


  • Daniele

Auto-reply (thanks also to email support from ):

  1. in some way, playing with associated static meshes and/or extra textcoords;
  2. ?
  3. yes, seems possible;
  4. is integrated as a third-party binary library.

On number 2. I’m not 100% sure but when dealing with physics based animations such as wind it’s often common for it to never be 100% synched with every client. Reason is the game will send the physics data down to the client, but each clients GPU processes things differently in regards to physics. Trying to run physics simulations then passing the draw code down ends up costing a ton of bandwidth, so instead most engines run the simulations serverside, package up the physics simulation data and send it down to the client to deal with. From there it’s GPU independent on the results. It will be really close, but never 100%. Now with that said I haven’t got into if UE4 has made changes to how it’s dealing with the simulations, in regards to large scale. I know in some situations it’s key for “physics” to be synced, IE someone shooting a barrel and it’s position being exact on all clients, but that would still mostly come at a replication of position hit for data. If it’s not important though IE wind affecting tree movement or such with small variations, being acceptable most engines save the bandwidth, just send or cache the simulations and force client machines to deal with it.

From support: seems that a synced animation could be achieved disabling the “gusting” option. Is still unclear if the clock used by (that is the UE4 internal time) is synchronised between network clients. Anyone have info about it?


what’s the difference between integrated in UE4 and you buy for UE4?

support is integrated into UE4 so you can adjust wind and easily import the assets, not really much difference from standard assets accept for a wind control node.

Modeler is the program with witch you create the tree models and materials to export into UE4.

There seems to be a Problem with the Wind in UE4. If I import a Tree and have a WindSource in the scene I can change its Values and It changes the Wind in the scene. But when I try to change the Values during Gameplay it doesn’t gets updated and stays at the Value it had during the start of gameplay, which makes dynamic Wind for Trees impossible at the moment.

moved over too forums.