Twin Stick Mode Inaccurate aiming

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



The aiming accuracy is still bad! I thought this would have been updated with the additional setting of Mouse Aim, but look, it’s still way off…
Look at this clip:

When will this be fixed? I cannot make a top down shooting game with inaccurate shooting. :disappointed_relieved: Now I have to use aim assist (targeting assist in the Third Person Controls device)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Obtain Third Person Control Device and set the aiming mode to Twin Stick
  2. Obtain Top Down camera (Fixed Point)
  3. Test trying to shoot something accurately and observe the inaccuracy of the mouse VS shots position

Expected Result

Observed Result

(See Clip - Watch twin stick aiming still inaccurate | Streamable )



Additional Notes

  • The Accuracy gets worse with any changes to HUD Size in settings.

  • Please test on different screen sizes - I’m playing in 1080p Borderless window and Fullscreen. No combination makes this better.

  • It would be nice if we could just have the option to change the Mouse image as well, you guys already have tons of amazing crosshairs.
    Or it would be even better to let us choose our own using a sprite/PNG image.

The status of FORT-752129 incident has been moved from ‘In Testing’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Fixed’

Thanks for the report, we’ll get someone to take a look.

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Thank you so much!

There is also a Game breaking issue with Twin Stick too I reported here.
I had to stop development because of this so I’m just posting this here too to get more visibility:

Have a great weekend!