Turning a light off in the level and on in the sequencer?

If I turn a light off in the level by setting the visible parameter to off. I can’t seem to turn this light back on in sequencer.

In sequencer, if I use the parameter “actor hidden in game” and turn that on, so visible=1, the light doesn’t turn on.

Any ideas on how to do this?

Hidden in game and visible are two separate flags. Just work with one or the other :wink:

Hello @Thant425

Nooo, look:


No sequencer:


Can someone show a working example of this happening please?

@alberto, I should have been more clear I don’t want to hide the light by using the intensity parameter.

@ClockworkOcean. If I enable hidden in game in the editor it doesn’t turn off. Only when I use the actor hidden in game param in sequencer. (But I want it to be off in the level without opening up the sequencer)

If I use the visible param in the editor, it does turn off, but then I can’t turn it back on in the sequencer.

If you add a track for the light component of the light ( yes, I typed that ), you can affect the intensity


Right, so I DONT want to turn the light on/off by adjusting it’s intensity. I want to do this via a boolean parameter, like visibility


A light is not visible or not, it affects the world

so just set intensity to 0
or uncheck affects to world

I think is not hard to understand at all

Ok, so just 0 to x in one frame.

@alberto, I don’t want to use intensity for the following reason.

I have setup some lights in a “light rig” (which is really a level). This level is shared with a team of artists. I want some lights to be off by default and it will be up to the artist’s to turn them on via sequencer, in certain situations.

If I set their intensity to 0 in the map (so now they are effectively off), the artists picking up the level will need to know what intensity value to set the lights to. This is counter intuitive.

A better way of working and what I am wanting to do, is have them off (with their correct intensity intact) via a visible parameter. That way when they are turned back on by the artists, the intensity is correct.

@ClockworkOcean - I am not sure what you mean.

Again, if someone can show a working example of what I am trying to achieve, that would be appreciated.

Do you need to control the light during gameplay? Or in the editor?

Hidden in game only works during play.

Visible can be used to not draw the light, but can’t be manipulated from the sequencer.

What you can do it put the lights in separate sublevels, and turn those levels on and off from the sequencer.

I want the light’s visibility state to be on/off both in editor and in gameplay. As we work in editor and render in gameplay mode.

Yes level another sublevel would work using level viz, but that is not going to conform to our workflow.

Visible can be used to not draw the light, but can’t be manipulated from the sequencer.

yea, this is the issue I am facing. It’s interesting how the “actor hidden in game” sequencer parameter, actually hides the light in editor and gameplay mode.

But then is easy! The level can be hidden for example from sequencer or blueprint

Or what about to create a bp container, sure can be hidden by bool

Yes, the level could be hidden, but then there are other lights in the level which I want on by default. (I don’t want to split these lights out into their own level)

Yes a BP would work, but these seem to be work around solutions for something I would have thought would be doable on standard UE lights

Is not a workaround is how it’s supposed to be.

To add the lights to a bp makes sense if you want to show hide depending of x situations, to interact

If you want to interact… What you need is an actor, because you are going to interact!! Makes sense isn’t?
An actor can be hidden, move or Whatever.

In theory you shouldn’t to edit directly meshes, lights or whatever

Is not a matter of a workaround…Look you cannot have that amount of problems because such a simple thing…

Consider the problem is your workflow, and your basic knowledge, no offense, it happened to each one of us.

But try to avoid to say: the problem is in unreal and you guys who are helping me just give me poor solutions.

From my point of view what I see is someone (who obviously not even read the first page of the documentation) and when I try to explain an helps says: unreal has no idea your solution is ***

@alberto I never said unreal is the problem (I implied that I was surprised if this isn’t supported on native lights). I simply asked if you can use a visibility parameter/hidden in game to be able to have a light off in the level and be able to turn it back on in sequencer.

You say consider this problem is my workflow. This is actually a very common thing to do in the vfx industry (with software like katana).

Anyway, as I am not really getting anywhere on this post, I will post this on udn instead.

Hi there,

Just wanted to let you know - I was in the exact same situation.
What I discovered was:
I set the lightsource in the level to:
Hidden In Game: ON
Visible: ON

And in the sequencer, I chose the “Hidden In Game” parameter on the “Root” of the light, NOT on the lightcomponent. This works in play mode (or when you render out) - not in stop mode.

Hope this helps.
Best, Jesper Colding