Trying to mimic a gouraud shader much like Old School Runescape

Hi I’m relatively new to UE4 and I’ve been messing around trying to make a shader that allows me to leave the sky black but add some shading to the world to mimic lighting. I found out that what Runescape uses for their shading is gouraud shading. I can’t find any documentation that can help me pull this off so I was wondering if anyone here could help my find a solution to this. Below is an image of what I have now.

As you can see everything looks pretty flat this is what I would like to achieve.

Just a quick edit I should have mentioned this before but I want to do this through a shader so I don’t have to rely on a light source I tried this with a linear gradient but I don’t know if that’s the answer

You can use the skylight with a gray hdr. Then apply a directional light set to dynamic, under cascaded shadow maps set num dynamic shadow cascades to 1, next set dynamic shadow distance movablelight to around 12000, last under light pull down extra and set the shadow amount to around. 5

This should get you most of the way

Hey thanks for the quick reply I tried this out for a little bit I’ll keep trying with this method but it isn’t quite what I’m trying to do I was hoping to maybe do this through materials or something. I also don’t really want a light source that casts shadows per say I just want the shaded look on all materials I’ll update the post because I should also mention I tried this with banding colors. Im rambling though thank you for the response lol

this guy was on the right track, I’m curious about doing something like this as well