Hi. I need some advice regarding the rendering of trees etc.
Opacity-Masked leave textures look very off with default lighting, producing very bright areas next to very dark ones. This also causes individual polygons to clearly stand out, which looks even more artificial. I guess the problem is, that light doesn’t shine through to the other side of a leave like it normally would. And indirect scattered lighting is probably missing, too.
When I disable lighting completely, these problems are gone. But that’s not really satisfying either.
So, how can I make a material that will look good in this case?
I remember that there was a ‘Two Sided Foliage’ option somewhere, but now it’s gone? I can’t find it under Blend Mode or Shading Model. For my foliage I have Blend Mode == Masked, Shading Model == Two Sided + ‘Two Sided’ checked.
Am I missing something? Was it removed or something?
I’d be happy to take a look at your set up. If you could provide me with a screenshot of your material(s) and of your trees placed in your scene, I can gauge where you could be going wrong or if you are overlooking a step.