The normals have been a bit troublesome. I wasn’t able to export the bark to have detailing and texture show in the normals so I combined them. I’ve gone through multiple tutorials to find the most optimal way to do this. Is there a different option with the normals themselves that works with shadowing better?
You were right. I turned off the normal blend and it fixed the lighting again.
So many things seem to act differently between foliage mode and procedural content generation. (You either use one or the other when populating models, not both at the same time.) I did end up fixing the issue in foliage mode but I decided to generate the trees procedurally.
Is there a way that I can submit a bug report about this? I think I know exactly what’s causing this because applying wind was flipped as well in the PCG. I believe PCG is flipping normals and other stuff upside down. I get that it’s still in Beta but someone needs to fix this so it works normally with everything.
Look at the multiply node that’s disconnected. Normally it is required to have the wind gradient to flip so it’s not blowing what’s closest to the landscape.
I’m going to see about multiplying the normal combine with a -1 and see if that fixes it.
I can’t figure it out. I thought I had it fixed but it removed my normals instead.
They are being flipped by the PCG plugin.
I tried editing the rgb values of the normal blend node and nothing works. I can’t figure out how to rotate or flip the normals properly.
I replaced the multiply nodes on my normal blend with Lerps instead and it seems to look a bit better. I’m still not 100% with how lighting and shadows display but it’s not as bad now.
Nevermind. It disabled my normals again.
I figured it out. The sampler type was wrong. Normals usually work properly with default settings unless you want to actually do anything with them. Then I have to change compression type to be normal type as well. I knew it was going to be a stupidly obvious answer.
I also flipped the green channel after.
Thanks for the help anyways. It could have fixed a future lighting issue if I were to have one later on.
This person had a similar problem with the sample type:
I’m just seeing this but glad you got it figured out! This is a good post for people to find who have the same issue. Thanks for powering through it!
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