Translucency high GPU ms time

Hello! I am currently struggling with frequent low fps drops with almost no graphics added into the scene. Specs are: UE5-0-1. MacBook Pro 16’ 16GB, Radeon Pro5300M

Standard levels seems okay’ish in terms of performance. My current scene has very little in terms of actors added (they all are super low-poly models as well). When I looked up into GPU profiler I have seen this:

In this case fps are dropping to around 5-10 fps. Average FPS through out the work session is around 15-17. But sometimes when I do literally nothing FPS goes up to 70-80, after what slowly going downwards.
When I open EU5 early access with metahuman project, average FPS is around 60-70 and seems to have no drops.

Would be glad for any advice of how can I fix this issue or what (where) should I search to know the source of the problem. Thanks!

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Translucent materials would probably be a good place to start

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I didn’t setup any materials manually. There are only a few new ones that were imported automatically with low-poly static meshes.

I have searched and filtered all materials in content browser and I found 0 materials with translucent blend mode that are in the scene. Therefore I still have no idea of why this is happening

UPD: After leaving editor opened for a while I now see “Texture streaming pool over 29.000 MiB budget”. But frames are decent between 37-39

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post a screenshot of your scene in the area where it is slow

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That is the whole level I have. Frames are becoming low randomly both in editor and while playing regardless of where the camera is facing

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What’s the shader complexity view look like?

Edit: Also does this issue occur if you launch the game in Standalone? Or package it?

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Here is shader complexity view:

Didn’t tried to run standalone or packaged. Will probably need some time to watch over this behaviour

UPD: Just have faced fps drop again, tried out standalone and it seems like nearly 60 fps (didn’t see the actual counter thou)

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