Feel free to ask any questions on the topic in the thread below, and remember, while we try to give attention to all inquiries, it’s not always possible to answer everyone’s questions as they come up. This is especially true for off-topic requests, as it’s rather likely that we don’t have the appropriate person around to answer. Thanks for understanding!
Edit: The YouTube archive is now available **here
There are some things that I think need to be addressed in the next stream.
There are functions in the player controller in the second stream that weren’t covered in the first stream.
These functions were referenced at 46:20 and 47:00 in the second stream. The logic for those was set up in the second stream but that wouldn’t be clear to the viewer the first time the functions are called.
At 10:30 in the second stream it was mentioned that the inventory slot was created in the previous stream but it wasn’t. The designer view of the inventory slot was briefly discussed but the graph wasn’t. If there were functions or function overrides create on the inventory slot then the viewer would not be able to follow along since inventory slot was never brought up again.
There is slight snap every time the action bar or inventory is moved. Wes said he would look into it but I’m just bringing it up so it isn’t forgotten.
This could be my mistake but if I drag the inventory onto a slot in the action bar the whole inventory disappears.
Thank you KrunkFu! You are absolutely correct. In setting up for the second stream, I grabbed the wrong project to start with and it had some extra stuff in it that I thought we had already covered in the first stream. I will address that in today’s stream to kick it off so that when all 3 videos are posted, you can jump to the third stream to continue that prep work and add those missing functions.
As for the slight snap, I’m still working this out with one of our programmers to determine why exactly that is, I hope to have an answer for this in today’s stream as well as the dragging the Inventory on to the Action Bar issue (which I was already aware of haven’t experimented with a solution for this yet). This system is by no means the perfect system and was intended to get you started with drag/drop functionality so there are definitely areas for improvement on it.
When can we expect to see the final project on the learn tab or available for download? Something is wrong with my setup and I can’t figure what what the problem is. Being able to look through a working version would be useful right about now.
I keep getting weird errors every time I open my test world ever since upgrading to 4.8.3 such as Failed import for StructProperty" for the widget drag. There are usually 2 other errors for random stuff in the inventory but they go on and off randomly.
In terms of functionality dragging stuff from the inventory to the action bar works but dragging it into the world only gets rid of the item in the first slot no matter which item you drag or where its position was in the inventory. I can’t rearrange items in the inventory but can in the action bar and I can’t use items. I’ve checked all the relevant functions and blueprints but can’t seem to find the error.
I’m probably missing something obvious but I have we watched all 3 streams twice to make sure I didn’t mess something up. Its not worth wasting your time troubleshooting it but if you can post it somewhere other than the Learn tab that would be extremely helpful.
Apologies for the delay, rather than go through the process of getting this up on the learn tab, I’ve posted the finished project here if you would like to take a look at it:
Hello Wes, fantastic stream I should say, though there is an issue I am having. If I drag one of my HUD UMG widgets onto another (Inventory onto Action Bar or vice versa ,the actual widget), the ‘On Drop’ for the HUD will not fire, but rather the ‘On Drop’ will fire for the Action Bar Slot. This means that the widget I am dragging will dissapear now that the drag & drop event is done since the function was not fired to add it back to the viewport. This only happens if the widget I am dragging my widget onto has already been dragged at least once. Steps to replicate are to drag the action bar anywhere, and then try to drop the inventory or any other widget onto the action bar. Any idea how to fix this?
Edit: I was able to easily fix this, but why does this issue only occur when dropping onto a widget that has already been moved?
I have followed and completed this tutorial on Youtube and everything seems to work as advertised in single player.
However, if I run clients on a dedicated server, there are numerous issues (i.e., the inventory is shared among the clients) and the drag and drop functionality does not work.
Would it be possible for you to suggest changes that would allow this inventory system to work in multiplayer?
Just realized that I posted this outside of our internal Box accounts. I’ll need to re-up it, let me dig up the project and re-post it with an updated link.