Training Stream - Drag and Drop w/ UMG, Part 3 - August 4th, 2015

Which D word do you mean:(

I don’t have the project anymore and will need to re-create it.

There are plans for a new multiplayer project to replace the Multiplayer Shoot sample which I may be able to work in a networked inventory solution (which is in talks).

I don’t have an ETA for it though, unfortunately. You may be able to get more information from the Twitch Stream covering drag-and-drop as well.


Hello and thanks a lot for great video series. They helped a lot, but unfortunately I have strange bug with default drag visual node, which as I checked through forums and answerhub, lots of people had or has still.
The problem is that if I make HUD:
“_TestHUD.JPG”, with canvas panel

In it I put “_TestUI.JPG”, made without canvas panel, just with size box

Then I make what drag visual will be:
“_balltest_g1.JPG”, again it made with size box

Then I write at “_TestUI.JPG” graph two functions override:

and “_TestUI_OnDragDetected.JPG”

and then fun starts.

  1. if I set pivot at Mouse Down, no matter where I click on violet square, it will appear at top left corner of the violet square, which is “_TestUI.JPG”, and then it will continue to drag with this offset
  2. if I set pivot at Center Center, no matter where I click on violet square, it will appear at top left corner of the violet square, but then start to flying at cursor position and stops and center cursor position, which is great, but how to remove this flying effect?

After lots of tries,I figured out that it could be because this new widget created during DragDetected function and then used as drag visual, so first it created at 0,0 of the canvas so to speak, and then moves according to drag and drop operation settings.
If for example, put Self node in drag visual, in this case new violet square will be created with same size, so Mouse Down will work properly visually, just because sizes of UI element on which I clicked and which created become identical. That is why maybe such problem couldn’t be observed in this video tutorials, because drag visual was always created as same item image with same size.

So what could be done in my case? is this a bug, or I and lots of other people misses some tiny detail during all this setup?

Will much appretiate any help. Thanks in advance.