Tracker device UI doens't show for players who join in progress

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The tracker device doens’t show for players who join in progress, but it still works. Just the UI message that display the progress isn’t showing…


Steps to Reproduce

You can test it with this map for example 4574-5988-7160

  1. Start a private game
  2. Start the game and you will see that the tracker is showing
  3. Return to game lobby
  4. Start a public game
  5. Join in progress and you will see that the tracker isn’t showing

Expected Result

If you enter a map that has a tracker and it have already started it won’t show the tracker UI, but if you join in pre game before the game start you will see that the tracker will show corretcly

Observed Result

You will obseve that the tracker just show for players who join at pre game before the game starts


PC, Xbox Series S

Island Code


I am havig same problem. Is there a workaround?
I was trying to assign tracker when player spawn on player_spawner using verse, but same result.
Sometimes tracker do show, with or without verse. But that’s very rarely. Like once in 20 times.
On top of that, in my map when player finish first tracker, they are assigned to the next one and so on. Now if the first one didn’t display ui after rejoin, neither will any other.
One more note,. For me, this is happening on published maps. Not so much in UEFN session.

FORT-742058 incident has been created. Status is ‘Needs Triage’.

Huge Problem and can confirm this is still happening as of 29.40 update!
Also assigning manually using either devices or verse is not working as the tracker sill will not show up!