Oh, sorry my bad. Now I understand question. By stacking I imagine messages (if comes several in short time) showing one next to other. Not overlapping, but forming a row or column.
Example: https://cdn1.epicgames.com/ue/product/Screenshot/1-1920x1080-372e90b9a6c782d21b93f668f9b00f1b.png
ideally, it would be possible to set, what direction to form that line of messages from given coordinates of first message.
For example, we set coordinates “left-top-corner” for message. But we can choose for next messages to go to the right, or downwards. Of course, that also rises thoughts of options, should 1st stay put, or being replaced with newest one, pushing previous one…
P.S.: in my “dream features list” i forgot to write one of basic ones - timeout for message. I will edit that in that post too.
I should say one more time, that similar assets exists (“Easy Notification System”, “Simple Notifications System”…), but they are commercial assets, so, can not be used in fun projects that goes shared around.
Ah ok, had a look at those. Well, especially the customization is a big part that should be supported here. There is currently no intent to do something like this on my side, as we work purely in VR. If you want to do something like that, you would need to know the size of the widgets in order to displace them in case there are some aleady existing. This is one of the most annoying parts of widgets, as you need to wait one frame after spawning before you can query the size. Means you would have at least a frame delay before showing the message. In case you can guarantee the widgets always have the same size, you can cache the size of the first and just reuse that all the time. But messages tend to be multiline as well.
Currently having trouble to package the plugin for UE4.20.
If you are building the plugin on your own, the version for UE4.19 should work without issues in UE4.20.
The source is now available on GitHub. See Link in first post.
Managed to update, UE4.20 download is up.
Unreal seemed to change some file locations regarding widget stuff which allowed me to compile but failed when packaging … Played a bit with includes and got it working.
Have a nice day.
Thank You for update!
I found some time and had a need for a backbone.
See here: https://forums.unrealengine.com/community/community-content-tools-and-tutorials/1521966-plugin-source-notificationbackbone-send-notifications-across-your-whole-project
Wow… exciting news! Today is a good day for exciting news for me… Will check that tonight! Thank You for your work and sharing!
4.21 Is up. Greate weekend everyone!
Thank You! (P.S.: what’s you opinion on 4.21, overall, as for now?)
We currently stay at 4.19 with our project. Never change a running system…
The update of the plugin took me already 2 hours cause they seems to make a change to UUserWidget::Initialize that requires the WidgetTree to be initialized before they actually initialize it. Gladly I could override and work around.
Unreal also seems to be done with VR already but their is still much to do. Thats the reason everyone basically relies on VRExpansionPlugin from Mordentral.
Also stuff like LE Extended Standard Library in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace should be part of the engine and not a plugin. Yes it is free, but first of: you need to know it exists and second, you cannot relate a marketplace plugin on another marketplace plugin.
In general unreal should more focus on fixing bugs instead of pushing into every direction of the industry with bug like this:
[Bug w/repro] Convert Transform to Relative incorrect - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums that exist since 4.9…
Version for UE4.22 is up.
guessing why somebody didn’t pull request with the solution
Version for UE 4.23 is up.
Hello Rumbleball,
Thanks for this plugin, but I’m unable to make it working.
I’ve created a blueprint actor and added the DebugWidget as component.
I’ve added this blueprint in the Persistent Level
In the blueprint I have connected all this 3 nodes, printstring, printstring advanced, debugWidgetPrintString
I can see the widget when playing but it’s full of “RebuildWidget Text” and nothing else, same thing in the viewport of the Blueprint that contain the DebugWidgetComponent
Thanks for your help!
Which Unreal version are you on?
I’m on the 4.24.3 (binaries not sources) and use your 4.24 plugin. But maybe I have made something wrong.
And you are really reactive!
Works on my end. Did you actually hit play?
Works totally fine here. I have no clue why it should not work on your end. Code is realy not much “magic”. Might you try a fresh project?
Thanks for your help. It works in a blank project.
I will try to find the reason why it’s not working in this project and will come back in the next days to tell you the result.