[Tool] DebugWidget - 3D Widget to help debugging (VR)

what other plugins do you have?

OK, Issue Found!

I had an old widget in my world with this inside: Begin Play => execute console Command => DisableAllScreenMessages

If I rememeber well, this is because I have always the “Lights need to be rebuilts” on some objects linked to maybe to spline and multple lighting scenario

Thank you for your help and your plugin.

Alright, thanks for letting me know. Good luck with your project.

Thank You for great plugin! I love it!
But i have a problem with saving maps with this component:
-UE version 4.24.3
-all levels streaming method blueprints
-Component added to parent Player class (each level contains own child Player)

Message: Can’t save (…map name…). Graph is linked to object(s) in external map.
External Object(s): DebugWidgedPanel_24

No problem on my end. Its just a WidgetComponent.

Of your message it seems you have a map with multiple streaming levels and try to access the component from an actor of a sublevel in the level blueprint of the main map.

Edit: Could reproduce the issue. Looking at it.

Thank you for your response, It’s true, but…I don’t use level blueprints. I have multiple WidgetComponents in same player class without any problems, only debugWidget mess up saving. If I add DebugWidget Component to Player Class and Save All (with or without other changes) i get thoose errors, when i delete DebugWidget Component save works.

I solved the problem by creating new Actor BP class with DebugWidget Component (“BP_DebugWidget”). I Spawn Actor (BP_DebugWidget) on BeginPlay in Player class and attach it to motion controller component. Works like a charm.

Addidional question is there a possibility to set debugwidget font size (i know i can change scale) from blueprint? I made a custom event with list (attach to camera, attach to left hand, right hand, standalone etc) and set font size would be great.

Hello nietolerancyjny,
I had the same problem in some other ways with this plugin but within my project too and understand that is an unreal limitation (or feature because it seems logical), when you have a variable in a level that réference an object or actor in an other level… you can’t save!
I think the plug in reference something in the persistent level when placed in sublevel, and you can’t save**.**

@nietolerancyjny @Metathesus Fixed. Also added SetFontSize function

Wow, thank You very much for the quick fix. Everything works as it should, no problem with save.

Free plugin: WOW
Fast support : WOW
Support Quality: WOW
Quick fixes: WOW

Hello Rumbleball,

How are you?
Sorry to comeback again!
Do you plan to update your plugin for UE4.25 that has just been released?

It will happen at some point. Usually 1-2 weeks after release.

UE4.25 version is up

Unreal made changes to the message buffers cause of thread safety improvements and with thus the message buffers private.** In other words: PrintString and GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage does not work for this plugin any more!**

Instead the Plugin does now have its own message buffers that can be printed to with** PrintString_DW **or PrintStringAdv_DW.

I’ve corrected your sentence! :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot!

Hello. 4.24 version of plugin says that current UE 4.24 version is “different”. Probably needs to be updated to current UE4 4.24.3 ? Thank you.

Weired. You sure you run the project for 4.24? And realy have the right plugin installed to the correct engine? Do you have the plugin installed to the engine but also added the plugin to the project manually? (project takes precedence).

The fix version number (3rd part) did never matter for any plugin.

Maybe i grabbed wrong download? But it says inside .uplugin file that it is for 4.24. Tried to put this time this plugin in engine plugins (previously i tried in project), but it is the same, wants to rebuild. Project is 4.24.

Ok, I get the same message. I compiled it from home, so maybe I do not have 4.24.3 installed and that realy is the issue. Though you should be able to just compile it.

I uploaded a new version which I can open without unreal complaining in a 4.24(.3) project. But it realy should not matter if you were able to compile it.

Just grabbed the 4.25 version. Works perfectly. Thanks a ton, Rumbleball!

If it helps anyone else that just wanted a more readable debug output, on a Vive, attach a DebugWidget as a child of your VR Camera component, rotate it 180 degrees on the Z axis, and set the location to about 309, 160, -180, and it’ll show up in the middle of your view no matter where you look, very easy to read.