Hey all , I have an annoying proglem , i made an easy bp class to toggle light when i over lap in the box collusion . I did everything in the tutorial videos exactly and i dont know if it is bug or something else but it doesnt work at all , when i step in the collusion in game light switch on for a sec. then instantly switch off ,then maybe if turn camera up or down and dont move again it switch on again.I hope someone help me with this proglem
The blueprint looks like it’s fine, and you said it turns on, but then off very quickly.
How big is your collision component? You don’t have a picture of it.
I would separate it, so each event goes to it’s own node and put a break point. Find out if you are getting an extra overlap event, or if it is the leave event that is causing the problem. If you are getting an extra event, one way to solve the problem is turn it on when it overlaps and off when it leaves and not do a toggle.
Thanks for your reply , I was kinda bypass the problem wih use set visibility node for each end-begin overlap node .i dont think that problem is about the collusion size .(i tried all kind of sizes )
When i use same blueprint class in Third person mode it works fine . I m gettin started to think that problem is about my first person project settings(could be a bug or something cause i use default settings) .
Also i tried to find out extra overlap event there is none . Everything looks fine until i press play button and overlap my bp .