Timed niagara effect anim notify not working in the game

I am trying to have a sword trail in the time of “timed niagara effect” anim notifies. Well, it works well in the anim montage itself and I can see the sword trail only during the specified times( which are my NS_SwordTrail anim notifies(timed nagara effect)). The problem is that without “spawn system attached” node in my other picture the trail does not show in my actual game(is that supposed to be like this?) ; And when I plug the spawn system attached and try to deactivate the trail in specific times I still can not get what I want. How can I basically get the sword trail in my game with the times specified in the anim montage using timed niagara effect?

Hey @ExZed644!

I found this thread where someone else was asking a similar (more overall) question, you may be able to figure out more through that! :slight_smile:

Hope this helps!

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finally found it! My stupid ■■■ had to set the socket of “timed niagara effect” to hand_r of the skeletal mesh itself and not the custom socket I made for the sword. Still don’t know why though.

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