Why tilemap won’t load when launch,** tilemap component** won’t save, tilemap component wont load if you use Open Level from another level for example, they will load correctly if i open the level from the editor, but if i first open a Main Menu level and from there Open Level the map, the tilemap component won’t load, This is a really big problem. This tool is really useful, it’s a shame it does not work correctly.
Do you guys know any workaround? any way to be able to use tilemap component in a reliable way?
Yeah, I’ve had this happen when making an actor with a paper tile map component. Somehow, it’s clearing out the tile map you choose for the component. Here’s a work-around:
Create a new variable of the paper tile map type.
Set the default to the tile map you want to use.
On begin play, add it to the component.
I randomly have this problem. I’ll have dozens of tilemap actors in a level and randomly one will exhibit this behavior, and it happens in editor too. I usually just delete the actor and re-add it to the level until it finally stops doing this.
I can confirm this is still happening for 5.2.1. And, also I confirm that the issue doesn’t exist for TileMapActor but for TileMapComponent when the component is added to another root component. Just to prove it I also made a setup where I added a TileMapComponent into a TileMapActor. Whenever map opens in editor, TileMapActor’s tilemap stays intact but the child, TileMapComponent’s tilemap always get reset and becomes empty.
I ended up using child actor components to attach multiple TileMapActor’s into an actor. It works all the times. I guess it’s a bit of inefficiency to sacrify, though. But, it works quite well as a workaround.
Just found out about this issue and I’m happy to find some information about it here, I think that for my setup I also will need to create an Empty Actor and attach TilemapActors into it to be able to access them and get information about the tilemaps.