Can you tell where other resolutions can be added (1440p, 4K).
I did not see where more resolutions could be added.
I apologize for my bad English.
Oh man itâs been a while since I made this. Few years ago 4K wasnât really popular You can add in enum - E_Options_resolutions
If you want to add new resolution option remember to tweak also WidgetBlueprintâ/Game/ThirdPersonKit/Blueprints/User_Interface/WB_Resolution_Setting_widget.WB_Resolution_Setting_widgetâ
Thanks, I added the new resolution.
But I noticed did not change the resolution, it does not matter what resolution you choose.
Tested it in a new clean project, I use the latest update for ue4 4.22.
Resolution changes when you click apply button.
Make sure that your new resolution entry has same structure like others.
You can check in log how command has been executed.
Thanks, excellent asset and excellent support.
I made a Discord channel for shooter kit support:
July 2019 Hotfix is live
Change log:
- Fixed random crash occuring on UE 4.22 when compiling BP_TPPCharacter.
It was related to this assert:
Assertion failed: ((UObject*)ContainerPtr)->IsA((UClass*)GetOuter())
[File: D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Public\UObject/UnrealType.h]
[Line: 363] âABP_WraithMain_AI_C_1â is of class âABP_WraithMain_AI_Câ however property âCurrent Look Around Anim_1â belongs to class âTRASHCLASS_ABP_TPSKit_InstanceCustomAI_251â
Related links:
Affected files:
New files:
Patch affected versions:
UE 4.20 and up
great that fixed the problem.
Third Person Shooter kit is now on sale with 30% off!
When is next update? Which feature?
May 2019 Update info
Next update will be rather big (except bug fixing updateds), for next one I will rather enable EQS (Enviromental Query System).
Maybe next one will be one feature centric, like weapon system rework altough it will be much sooner, although it will be easier for me to add everything at once,
or add a lot of features at once. I plan to add much more then it is in road map.
Now Im waiting for animations (mocap session is in next week), so next update will be after I will get them and implement, so no sooner then October.
Is there something specific that you need most?
Third Person Shooter kit is now on anniversaly sale with 30% off!
Third Person Shooter Kit is compatible with UE 4.23. You can easily migrate from 4.20 and up.
Small preview video from progress for TPS Kit update.
FPP mode, aim wall detection, new weapons, pickups, weapons slots and more!
Animations, UI and models are placeholders.
Any feedback is welcome!
Is this map in the kit?
Currently not. This is a small preview showing what will be in update. It is showing my work in progress.
Third Person Shooter Kit is now on black friday sale with 30% off!
Small preview video from progress for TPS Kit next update
Third Person Shooter Kit update for UE 4.24 is now live.
I still donât see this map &feature=emb_logo in 4.24.1.