Third Person Shooter Kit - Cover system, Human AI, Paragon characters, QTE & new stuff is coming!

That’s funny. Looks like in 4.22 creation of camera is slower then input receive. Thanks for info. It will be fixed in next patch. You can easily add null check there so message will not appear.

To disable rumble set “RumbleEffectEnabled” to false


WOW I get the same error when I use one of your levels. Major bug. I am going back to the last upgrade. When I disable rumble I get a crash. Please fix the bug.

It’s not related to any level. Read my last post. You can just simply rewire it as I showed on the screen shot.
On what function it crashes? At what point? Which Unreal version? Can you send me a crash log to [EMAIL=“”] ? Thanks
I’ve just briefly tested it on 4.22 and had no crash.

the upgrade is working. However I don’t like having to use a nav mesh. With the old upgrade I didn’t have to use a nav mesh. What about “character faction”? player, enemy, neutral. I thought it would help with a NPC.

Marcin, I have purchased the kit and its really great and I am having a lot of fun poking around in it. I do have a question, though. I would like to add the enemy behavior to the mannequins in the base third person template. How can I move the behavior from your kit to a mannequin in the third person template as well as some other things like the turrets and bots? I know you are busy and I am not asking for a full tutorial…but if you (or anyone on the forum) could just give me a push in the right direction, i would really love that! thanks again, what you are doing is great!

May 2019 update hot fix is now live!

Released on 28.05.2019

Change log:

  • rootmotion fix - sometime additive animations where “consuming” root motion
  • added roll colldown - “RollCooldown” in player character class
  • added option to change angle of stealth kill availibility - look in player character class for “StealthKillHalfAngleAvailibility”
  • sprint stop animation break - now animation breaks when player starts do something
    during this animation, like getting into cover
  • animation tweak for roll for Wraith skeleton
  • added option to enable look at during sprint - “LookAtDuringSprintEnabled”
  • added option to change shotgun shot delay for AI and player
  • null check for when AI is looking for point on nav mesh - usefull when nav mesh bounds volume
    is not added on level
  • AI vaulting fix - since AI can go to cover backwards, he could not vault, now that is fixed
  • AI - deleted multiple helpers (components) which where not needed - done little rework, just using math
  • mulltuple null checks in various places
  • added new base class for damage type “DT_TPSKitBase” which can be easly extended.
    Now all damage types are child of this class.
  • added option to force ragdoll on AI death - set in damage type, currently only for shotgun
  • rolling during shooting was blocked, now it is fixed and shooting is interupted. It was
    visible with long shooting period like shotgun.
  • added effort sounds for Wraith and Mannequin skeleton animations
  • fix navmesh script path for 4.20 and up - 4.20 Build Error - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums

Well you need it if you want AI to move. It was always used. AI is moving on nav mesh, not on geometry directly. Why would you dont want that?

I don’t quite know what you mean.
NPC stands for “non player character” which is in project from the start. I added faction system because people where very vocal about “friendly AI” which is now in project, since you can change faction to player.
What you want to do exacly ?

Thanks for letting me start with no nav mesh. When I am developing I don’t like AI(chars running around and shooting). I know what a NPC is. I would like a simple innocent bystander. Idle mod. No gun. Will not shoot at the player. The rumble is hard to stop. If one disables it and compiles the level crashes. Thanks for all your help.

But you can do it already. You can set in AI behavior type to random fight and change probability to 0 for anything related to movement so character will never move.
Also if you don’t want AI to react to anyone, there is also flag called no reaction to enemies I believe and set weapon mesh visibility to false.
If you don’t want any logic, you can just drag skeletal mesh to scene and select animation in properties.

I added nav mesh check and alert because people where putting AI into level without added nav mesh and expected AI to move around.

If you have crash please send me crash log and repro steps to e mail [EMAIL=“”] so I can try to narrow it down and fox it. You can also disable rumble by clearing references to rumble effect in weapon properties and player properties.

Thanks! I’m glad you like my kit.
It’s very broad question. This pack should work together as one since many things are related with each other. I think it would be very time consuming to just transfer some selected logic to empty project. I think it would be easier to delete whatever you don’t need.

How relevant is the 2D kit documentation to this kit after the recent update?

Mostly there is a lot common logic, I think around 90% is relevant.

Always crashing on ‘ABP_TwinBlastMain_AI_C_0’ is of class ‘ABP_TwinBlastMain_AI_C’ however property ‘MoveRightScale_8’ belongs to class ‘TRASHCLASS_ABP_TPSKit_InstanceCustomAI_298’ in 4.22.2

Doesn’t look like anything to me.
Can you reproduce it on clean project? What did you change? What exactly is crashing (PIE, compile, cook etc.) ??

I don’t know if anyone else has encountered this, but I am getting 2 accessed none errors on occasion with “lost sight” and “filter pawns” from the AI. I have tried a few workarounds but the bug persists. I will see what solution I can come up with but just wanted to see if anyone else encountered it. It seems to happen when 10 or so AI are fighting each other, maybe the isdead tag is not being set fast enough or the perceived actor method needs a null fallback?

I set the “cast to actor” to impure so that it executes and added a few isvalid checks, but the allies shoot each other some, I guess it’s okay.

Yes, probably that’s the reason. It should not happen on cooked game though. Also I tested like 10 vs 10 AI’s and player on empty level, didn’t occur either, so I guess it’s more CPU chocke, but as I said, I’m pretty it will no happen on cooked shipped build.

Hi, I really like the features included in the pack thus far but I was curious if it would be possible to integrate everything included (animations, blueprints, etc) with another asset pack like this one here: Mission Component in Blueprints - UE Marketplace.

I followed the documentation listed in its description to add the compass and mission functions to the character in the TPS kit but it ended up not working and it made the character go into into an a-pose position when I moved around, as opposed to the normal running animation. The compass direction also did not work at all due to some problem with the movement inputs below.

It was this part in particular that worked fine with the default Unreal third person character but not with the TPS kit character so I was just wondering if there is any way I could adjust it to combine the two without any errors getting in the way. Also this pack is all based around blueprints if that helps, thank you.

Which character BP are you using? You need to remember to add this mission system logic on top of current logic. I’m guessing you set proper animation blueprint, bit it is looking for variales/logic which is set in player character (TPPCharacter)

I tried to apply it again to the default characters BP in a new project to see if I could make it work but I think there just some conflicting nodes in the blueprints that gave me an error that mentioned “Casting Failed. Check BPI_Manager”.

This error here for example was something that I wasn’t sure how to fix besides getting rid of the “Follow Camera” node, I’m not sure if there would be any way to replace something like that since there are several cameras on the left side there and it seems that the default third person character that Unreal Engine comes with is more suited for this sort of blueprint. I was following the steps in this demonstration video here:

Someone try this please. Drop a cube into a level. Scale the z-dim up. Set it to the floor. Put an enemy on the top of the cube fit a nav mesh volume around the cube. Shoot it with the assaultrifle. Notice it will hing in space on or off of the cube. I would like it to fly off the cube and fall to the floor. If I shot with the shotgun it works. You may have to set the delay up to 5 seconds.

Well did you add BPI_Manager to BP_TPPCharacter as blueprint interface? As for camera, replace Follow Camera with ThirdPersonCamera

As I wrote in e-mail to you:

If you want to force ragdoll on AI’s death, instead of animation, you have 2 options:

thanks that worked.