Third Person Shooter Kit - Cover system, Human AI, Paragon characters, QTE & new stuff is coming!

As I send you messegae via e-mail:

I’ve downloaded clean project for 4.22 version of Unreal and tried to package it.
Indeed there was error - LogNavigation: Error: [/Script/Engine.RecastNavMesh] found in the DefaultEngine.ini file. This class has been moved. Please rename that section to [/Script/NavigationSystem.RecastNavMesh]
Which is caused by upgrading package to newer engine version. Actually it should be fixed by Epic. So to fix it open DefaultEngine.ini (in your Config directory) in any editor and replace




It’s also resolved here 4.20 Build Error - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums

I didn’t have any other errors and could compile whole project and play it. Remember to have short directory path to files. Best is to create project in c:/ drive directory. I think path can’t be longer then 256 characters.
I didn’t have any error regarding missing texture. In terms of warnings - they don’t damage project any way, you can just resave these blueprints as warning says. Other warnings are not coming from me.

If you have any other errors, please paste log from them.

Hi , just an off topic question . this somehow happened to my characters hand , wondering if you know what happened or maybe a way to fix it. Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Looks like retargeting problem. Like source skeleton has different bone lenght.
Try to play with retargeting options - Imgur: The magic of the Internet

What I was able to do was just open that animation and move the hand into place , then key , and apply it.

harmsterPL could you make a video on using one of your characters into a NPC? Wrath, Belica, etc. Thanks.

It will be in next patch. Along with that, I will release video. Actually it’s pretty much done. I’ve encountered some problems and I want to release it in highest quality possible, that’s why it takes so much time. Also it will be bigger patch, with shooting, hacking bots/cameras and other improvments.
I hope I will finish everything this weekend.

any progress on the patch. I did get realvisions character creator to work with the kit. I will make a video when I get time. I created a char and retargeted and put into the kit in about 2 minutes. Ever the mugging animations worked when I strangled the character.

That sounds great! It would be awesome if you would made short tutorial how you (easly done it)

Regarding next update:

Next update will be larger that I thought so initally and I encountered some unexpected problems. Next patch will include - faction system (friendly NPC, bots, hacking bots to change faction and etc.) - this is kind of possible now already, to do this I acutally had to rebuild damaging system, also there is new movement features inspired by advanced locomotion system (start, stops, run pivoting, look at), new roll animation/functionality for player and AI, shooting reworks (effects like fov change, camera shake, recoil etc.) directional damage indicator, QTE damage on fail, new QTE shuffle type, new FX for bullets. Also I’ve add plenty of small options, tweaks and optimizations.
Heavy lifting regarding AI is done. I hope it will be out in next week.
I will post a video about new changes. All info will be on forum.

Regarding the update - it’s good to have it improved! I just thought that if you make it too much expanded and feature-rich, imagine, how many people would produce look-alike games then? Wouldn’t it be nice if you leave some staff for others to bring variations like new features and animations :-)? For new features and animations I would recommend you to create a new product for sale.

What I want to do is to save time for devs. Most of the features are standard, they are in any game, so it’s better to have them done. Ofcourse you don’t have to use all of them.
My ultimate goal is to make framework for AAA third person shooter, where there will be no placeholder assets and there will be short very high quality game in it.

Regarding next update:

Almost everything is done. I work mainly during weekends that’s why it takes so much time. At Monday I will make update video with preview what is currently done.


  • faction system (friendly NPC, bots, hacking bots to change faction and etc.) - this is kind of possible now already, to do this I acutally had to rebuild damaging system - Done!
  • movement features inspired by advanced locomotion system (start, stops, run pivoting, look at) - Done!
  • new roll animation/functionality for player and AI - **Done **for player, not sure if in this patch will do it for AI
  • shooting reworks (effects like fov change, camera shake, recoil etc.) Done!
  • directional damage indicator - Done!
  • QTE damage on fail Done!
  • QTE button shuffle type Done!
  • FX for bullets - Done!
  • Small SFX pass - hit reaction, death, roll, jump - Done!

Short preview video for next update:

Any estimated release date?

Friday on Monday I think, depending of Epic’s approval process.

Just loaded the update. Used the AR level. Get this error. " Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property ThirdPersonCamera”. Blueprint: BP_TPPCharacter Function: Calculate Aim Offset Yaw Graph: CalculateAimOffsetYaw Node: Return Node"
No NPC. Disappointed.

Another problem. Modifing Bp_Bullettrace so I can destroy DM’s. I can’t change Apply Point Damage or Apply Radial Damage.

Fixed it. bp_bulletprojectile.

May 2019 update info

Released on 22.05.2019

Video walkthrough:


Combat general:

  • faction system - now AI and other enemies can react based on faction. BP_FactionHelperPawn is for non AI
    enimies with faction behavior. It is added to BP_Turret_enemy, BP_Survilence_Camera and BP_Flying_Bot_Enemy.
    There are 3 factions - enemy, player and neutral. Neutral faction will react on both player and enemy faction.
    To change faction look for “CharacterFaction”
  • Hacking/factiong change - faction can be change during runtime with function “UpdatePawnFaction”. Example: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  • shooting improvements - recoil animations (also for AI), recoil per shot, camera recoil, crosshair recoil, weapon recoil based on
    movement type - for example when player is crouching recoil is smaller. Parameters exposed to data table DT_Weapons_Player
    Force feedback (gamepad rumble) per shot, camera shake per shot, new FX and SFX
  • directional damage indicator - UseDirectionalDamageIndicator
  • Force feedback (gamepad rumble) - for getting damage and die
  • general weapon/movement tweaks for better default gameplay expirience
  • option to display crosshair without aiming - ShowCrosshairOnlyOnAiming
  • general damage indicator - full screen version - UseDirectionalDamageIndicator
  • new crosshair display method influenced by weapon recoil - now it’s dynamic, can change size
  • new shotgun reload logic for player - now shotgun will be reloaded with shell by shell basis, loading shell anim will be played depending how many shells needs to be reload
  • damage types resistance for enemy component
  • new bullet base class “BP_BulletProjectile”. Class BP_Enemy_bullet and BP_AIGunBullet are deprecated

**AI: **

  • AI - character now will look for enemy to last seen location, before, AI known where exacly enemy is, even when he was behind the obstacle
  • AI - option to shoot while getting to cover - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  • AI - option to orient to taget enemy while moving to cover -
  • AI - option to enable/disable reload on every geting into cover - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  • AI - option to enbable/disable reload during sprinting - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  • AI - epxlict pawns ignoring - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  • AI - shooting cooldown - when AI will stop seeing an enemy, he will still shoots for give time - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  • AI - trace to multiple bones for better detection. For example when AI can’t shoot enemy pelvis, he will look into next bone.
    It’s an array so multiple bone targets can be added - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  • AI - hearing faction - When will hear noise, should it check also if instigator is hostile - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  • AI - change target cooldown - when AI gets shot, it will rotate towards damager, and stay focused on it until cooldown time elapse - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  • AI - combat mode - movement type can be determine now - walk, run or random - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  • AI friendly fire - “CanRecievedFriendlyFire”
  • AI - detection volumes radius can be set per state - DetectionVolumeScaleAlarmedMode and DetectionVolumeScalePatrolMode
  • AI - detection volumes radius can be increased during combat - IncreadeDetectionVolumeDuringCombat
  • AI - AI can be more aware during combat mode.
    He will detect any enemy who is in detect volume, even outside vision angle - UseDetectionVolumeInCombatMode
  • AI - option to disable/enable head shot - “InstantlyDieFromHeadshot”


  • Locomotion improvements - inspired by “Advanced Locomotion” kit, now player has animation start/stops, pivoting,
    look at aim offset (also can be disabled with “NonAimingLookAtEnabled” variable), new sprint stop animation - done for all skeletons (Twinblast, Mannequin and Wraith)
  • new roll animation/functionality for player

**Quick time events: **

  • QTE system - add option for damage on fail - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  • QTE system - press in order type - added option to randomize keys
  • QTE system - press in order type - added clamp amount of keys


  • Small SFX pass - hit reaction, death, roll, jump
  • sprint toggle - UseToggleForSprinting
  • crouch toggle - UseToggleForCrouching
  • Turret and survilence camera - when damaged, it will focus on damager for given time - “ShotFocusTime”
  • New demo level “May2019UpdateLevel”

Other notes:

  • this is biggest update yet!
  • this update is for UE 4.19 and up, next big updates target version will be 4.22
  • I changed controls layout a little bit for better gameplay expirience. Keyboard - roll is now under C. Gamepad - Aiming - LT, Shoot - RT, Crouch - LB, Kick - RB
  • Next update will be rather big (except bug fixing updateds), for next one I will rather enable EQS (Enviromental Query System). Maybe next one will be one feature centric, like weapon system rework altough it will be much sooner.

Thank you for all your support!

I am still getting the same error as above after I exit. Doesn’t seem to hurt anything, but is annoying. With the previous update no problem. I put up one of the default levels drop in an enemy shoot it then exit and the error appears.

What is AR level? Is it from my package? Because I don’t recall that level.

Start a new level Default or VR-Basic. Play then exit I get error?? 4.22.2 . Also is it possible to turn off the vibration on the controller?