It could be. I dodn’t know this system yet, and since it’s free now I will take a look into that.
I finished integrating the two projects as in your Youtube video and am now trying to integrate the inventory for battle royale, but it seems as though id have to rip out the entire inventory system already in place and break most of the interactions without redoing it completely. Any thoughts?
Well I don’t think you have to rip out everything, I think you can just extend currently made. Thing like ammo and health count would be usefull.
Weapon component. Click on the link then download it. Just created a project. Looks good. The price is right.
AI improvements patch update:
It’s still work in progress although many heavy lifting is already done. I decided to expand it a little bit more.
Bullet projectile will be one class, AI will be able to shoot bullets with “trace” logic also. There are new particles for shooting so it looks way better now (before there was no trails). Also since factions are added, I decided to add option to “hack” turrets, cameras and so on. Actually it’s not that much more work to do this. There will be new level for this, with friendly AI example and so. I also plan to add AI behavrior for buddy, who will follow specific path(paths) instead of sticking next to player all the time. Same as in Uncharted series or new God of War, when buddy AI move through level in specific way, lead the player for example, approach some objects and interact with them.
Hopefully in next weekend I will do a final push for it.
Third Person Shooter Kit is now 30% off on Unreal Marketplace!
Third Person Shooter Kit store site:…on-shooter-kit
Side Scroller Shooter Kit store site:…er-shooter-kit
Third Person Shooter Kit is compatible with UE 4.22. You can easily migrate from 4.19 and up.
Hello!! I love this kit so much! I am purchasing this weekend. I was wondering, is there any possible way to change or remove the HUD!??!?
I love everything about this kit but the HUD. I think that it is far to big (atleast for what I am looking for)
Thank you for your help.
I’m glad you like my kit. There is multiple ways to hide HUD. For example you can colapse main canvas in WidgetBlueprint’/Game/ThirdPersonKit/Blueprints/User_Interface/WB_Game_HUD_widget.WB_Game_HUD_widget’
In this BP you can also change whatever you want.
Well done! Really nice pack. My next game will be based on this pack! Anyway, I would like to report a bug.
I somehow ended up stuck like this when I tried to take cover. The character couldn’t move away from the wall despite how much I tried to move back and forth, left and right, crouch, jump, F to move away from cover, but nothing worked. Had to stay there and shoot randomly until AI found me and killed me to respawn.
It could be the take cover tracing logic got into loop or that the character thinks it’s taking cover on the other side of the wall.
Anyway, just thought you might want to get feedback for bugs.
Best wishes
Thank you! I’m glad you like my kit. Regarding this bug - I never seen it, no one reported it also before. Can you reproduce it on clean project and give repro steps? Thanks
Great upgrade. Just purchase Realizations CC3. Works great. I created several chars and rigged them in about 3 minutes. Put them into the 3ps template and they look great. Will try the Kit next. Both for the main char and NPC and enemies. Will let know how it works. When I was doing this manually it took me about 1/2 hour.
Cool. I made couple tutorials which might help you with retargeting -
I made a game with the pack . but now it looks like it has really changed very much. Looks like i’ll have to make another game with it.
Not really, pack didn’t change much yet. Now there is custom anim instance class for animation blueprints, which let’s retarget whole new skeletons very easily without changing logic as you can see on this tutorial - After this patch, there is no hard reference to animation blueprint anymore, so that’s biggest change so far.
Next update is for shooting and AI improvememnt/friendly AI examples/much flexible faction system - for example you will be able to hack/turn/change faction for turret and it will shoot AI/other turrets/whatever you want. Actually it’s already done but I want to test everything and make new level presenting that. It will be backwards compatibile, so if you don’t anything regarding faction and so on you don’t have to set this up. Faction system and shooting improvoments is on very high demand that’s why I’m doing this first. Update should be in couple weeks (I’m having a week break) Maybe I will post a video today from progress. I want to add so much to this kit, I just need time and assets for that
On other notes @ can you show what game did you make? Also with new changes, you can make a sequel
You gotta figure , when I used the kit , the paragon character wasn’t even in there. Game I made is called "ShooterSpheres " , its on Steam . I’ll see if I can get you a key and email it to you. Though I am not sure how to do it, I think I can request a key. In meantime if you look on the store there is a trailer and some screenies. Cant expect too much , it was my first game. I added a lot of other things in it though , menu system, inventory, amongst others , mostly your kit though. Took me a year to make. I mentioned you in the credits. You know when I got your kit , that’s when I first started with Unreal.
I requested a key , it apparently takes a couple days for steam to respond. First time I did this. I only sold a couple so far , but I just got it up there a couple weeks ago. I have not promoted it yet at all , as I been hard at work on my next game , a survival , horror game. I may be able to mention your kit right on the store page if you want, but i’m not sure if they will allow that.
Congrats on your first game! What is important that you finished it. From my expirience it’s hardest part. Take what you learned from it so next one will be better one.
Yeah I added couple Paragon characters but default manequinn and all animations for it is still in package.
Do you know what is the exact arm (downward) angle of the arms in “A” pose? I am try to grab a coat mesh from a character I got , but the original pose is between " T" and " A" pose.
I don’t quite remember, I think it was 40 or 45 or 50 degrees. You take a screen shot with front camera of both characters and then put them together on top of each other to compare
Hello, creator of the Third Person Shooter Kit! I bought your kit yesterday, to learn from you how to code on unreal blueprints. Thank you for your good work!
First of all I would like to let you know that when I open your project, there is a material missing error: “/Engine/BasicShapes/BasicShapeMaterial : Can’t find file for asset. /Game/StarterContent/Textures/T_CobbleStone_Rough_D” I thought it’s an accident, I uploaded twice - again the same. Then I started to test how your project is packaging for windows. I added the missing material, but still there were errors. When I asked you on Epic store if this project ready for exe file, you said yes.
It would be nice if your project be completely clean from errors, so I could start develop my ideas on its base. Otherwise, I am very excited to learn from this project!