Third Person Shooter Kit - Cover system, Human AI, Paragon characters, QTE & new stuff is coming!

Hi I guess you used this animation from action RPG template:

I’ve checked it and it has indeed root motion animation.
I’ve migrated this animation and character to TPS kit. I’ve change retarget rig to humanoid on twin blast character. I’ve retargeted animation and swap it in AnimMontage’/Game/ThirdPersonKit/ParagonTwinblast/Animations/AM_RollForwardStandingToStand_Montage_TwinBlast.AM_RollForwardStandingToStand_Montage_TwinBlast’

I’ve added animation notifies that where in original animation.
And looks like everything works fine.

Suggestions - have you done it the same way? Did you add animation notifies to retargeted animation?

not exactly , let me look at it. Are you calling it as a montage then?

Well yes. You swap animation sequence in montage. You don’t have to add any new logic for it.

what if character don’t currently have a roll animation? what do you swap it with?

Not quite understand. You don’t have roll animation? Well then I suggest disable input for rolling in project settings, because then character will try to play animation that doesn’t exist, which for sure will lead to bugs.

, could you update your tutorial for integrating Character Interaction with TPS Kit? There have been some changes in both projects that are making the tutorial video hard to follow.

Second the above.

What I mean is that I have a roll animation , but there is not one currently on the character , so I would not be swapping one roll animation for another , I would be adding it. Hence logic in the state machine and such, unless there is another way to swap a montage in without it. Note : the forum quote function does not seem to work for me , I click on it in a post , it turns orange but does not add anything when I reply , even if I select words first. Unless there is something else I am missing.

Noted. It won’t be quick thing though. I need to dissect his code, how it works etc. Which features are you most interesed in? Which should be from TPS Kit and which from Character Itneraction?

Oh I see. So that would invole some logic. Where you want to setup your roll animation? I mean where you want to add it ?

Hello! how to remove sound when crouching? there’s still walking sound when you crouch or so :c

Hello! Looks like there is unnecessary sound notify in one of animations. Open animation sequence: AnimSequence’/Game/ThirdPersonKit/ParagonTwinblast/Animations/Walk_Fwd.Walk_Fwd’
and delete sound nottifies. I fill fix it in next patach. Thank you for heads up!

Hello could tell me how I can add the kit to my project, my map. Add the third person, pickup AI etc Thank you very much active great.

As I wrote via PM: You should create new project with it and import your level to TPS kit project, because it has some project properties that are needed (input bindings, collision channels)

After using both projects for awhile, I prefer the basic movement, and weapons system in Character Interaction, and of course the interaction component itself. For TPS Kit, I like the cover system, ladder and ledge climbing, special moves (i.e. rolling, sliding, vaulting) and the more advanced human AI system.

It seems like it would probably be easier to add the TPS Kit features to Character Interaction base project.

Personally, I would rather see TPS Kit expand on the features that are already best in class, such as the cover and climbing system, rather than add more features that other projects already do well. For example, it would be great to see the ladder and ledge climbing expanded to more versatile, and applicable to open world type games. Expanding those to allow for cliff and tree climbing would be fantastic. For the cover system, maybe it could be extended to work with foliage? Also, I see a lot of value in improving the versatility of the human AI to allow for different classes of AI to be either teammates with the player, or different factions of enemies, or neutral groups that become enemies under certain conditions.

Hi. Love your kit. I would also like to see how it’s possible to be able to integrate some of your kit features into a Character Interaction project. Mainly, being able to import your Enemy AI, elevators and automatic door BPs to work with a CI player character. Cover system integration would just be a bonus (but secondary in importance for me.

Thank you for your feedback! So basicly what you are mention will be updated in future - interacting with objects, movement upgrades (little more features, better animations) although I think current version (after Paragon update) is pretty good already, weapon system along with weapon slotting will be reworked to so you will be able to add new weapons much faster. Also I plan to add more archetypes (uzi, double uzi, double pistol, sniper and so on) Everything will work also for AI of course.

I don’t quite understand. Cover system is note related to any type of objects. You just place cover system BP object on level whenever you want.

That’s coming very soon. It will be in next patch (AI improvements mainly) along with explanation video.

So thant’s basicly climbing system like in newest Zelda. Doable for sure. I was thinking about it lately even. At the moment I’m limited by lacking of proper animations.
On that note I’m thinking to expand AI with ladder climbing, general climbing and object usage - for example when enemy sees you, he is first going for alarm button, to alarm everyone. Also I’m starting to experiment with flying enemies.

For cover system with foliage, I mean instead of having to place cover system BP at every large tree or large rock in a level, you could either set certain foliage meshes to trigger the cover system, or maybe automatically if the tree or rock is large enough for the character to hide behind.

Have you tried using Allright Rig for making animations inside the editor? I’ve been really impressed with how much easier it makes creating animations. Let me know if you need some help creating some basic cliff and tree climbing animations. I’d be willing to donate those animations to the project if that will help you get the rest of the system built faster. We’ll probably need both feet and hands IK to make the animations look good on a variety of cliff slopes and tree types. Also some mechanics for moving from the tree trunks to the branches, either walking, crawling, or hanging from the branches depending on the branch thickness, and if the character is moving up or down onto a branch.

The main thing I liked better about the basic movement in Character Interaction is the ability of the character to walk towards the camera. That’s nice when you want the player to have the opportunity to see the front of the character more often. I recently found out that it’s actually just a matter of changing some settings in the camera and spring arm to get that behavior, so it’s less related to basic movement that I had previously thought. Also, some of the basic movement animations have been too robotic, and exaggerated after retargeting to human characters, but the recent update to use Paragon characters has helped with that.

That’s very non standard. To do this would have to have some standardisation with your meshes. But for sure you can make a child BP from cover and add static mesh there for example.

This system looks pretty good! Altough I still need some animations for it. I plan to just pay for it to company who creates animations for games.

So what you saying is it a system like in Assassins Creed 3? Becasue do this kind of stuff is very hard and time consuming, and I don’t know where to start. Although I don’t say no. For now I want do more simple climbing, like in Divsion. Then maybe extend it with more acrobatis, ledge to ledge climbing like in Tomb Raider.

It’s already in my kit. You can see in older videos -…
You can disabling strafing mode and upperbody turning or clamp it. Here’s are bunch of variables from player charcter BP -

I agree. Animations are not in super quality. I used a lot of free animations and reworked them plus tweaks from procedural stuff. As I noted in my road map, I plan to replace almost all animations with new ones, made by external company which specialize with animations.

Yeah, I think there are a few ways to do it. Mostly I just want to keep the meshes as foliage or instanced static meshes for performance purposes.

To start with I was thinking of extending your existing ladder climbing system to a tree, so that the character could climb up from any side, with the ability to move along the circumference of the tree trunk to be able to jump down onto large branches. I think with complex collision turned on, the characters should be able to walk on large branches without having to setup anything special. That would be useful for either using trees as hiding places for shooting or ambush melee attack, or for using trees to climb onto nearby buildings.

hello is there an easy way to implement this?