Third Person Shooter Kit - Cover system, Human AI, Paragon characters, QTE & new stuff is coming!

The crosshair does not line up with were the shot.

I already fixed that. Patch is coming. Please look at this posts:


Is there anyway to have a toggle to set the crosshair on all the time?

Good job, it could suit my actual game project.
Are characters able to strafe or move to random positions when the player is shooting them, can this be done ? Do they stop firing when another character is in front of them ?
On the video characters are behind a cover, but they don’t use it when reloading, can this be changed ?
Finally will it be compatible with 4.15 ?


Yes. In AI blueprint, set combat type to “random fight”. Then using variables in “Random Fight” section you can set distance and probability how often AI should strafe.

Yes, AI is stop firing when see obstacle on their way.

Reloading don’t stop AI’s to using cover. AI have a probability exuction for cover which can be changed, and AI does various checks if cover is valid, for example for distance, angle etc.

It will be 4.15 compatible. I will send update probably during weekend.

In short, open BP_TPPCharacter, open function update crossshair visibility and connect function input to unhiding crosshair section. Open HUD UMG, select crosshair object in designer section and in properties set it to visible.

I just made 2 videos to explain the robot flying and the scales audio comments are in french.
Je viens de faire 2 vidéos pour expliquer le robot volant et les echelles les commentaires audio sont en francais.


I’ve send update for 4.15 today so it should be live on marketplace in few days. Also I’ve send patch for 4.14.

Changelog for 4.15:

Animation blueprints - little logic rework to fix warning with thread-unsafe call

  • Elevator - fixed bug with pushing button during movement
  • Fixed bug with crosshair location when playing in viewport with non 16:9 apect ratio reslotuion. Now crosshair is always in center.

Changelog for 4.14 patch:

  • Elevator - fixed bug with pushing button during movement
  • Fixed bug with crosshair location when playing in viewport with non 16:9 apect ratio reslotuion. Now crosshair is always in center.

To change variables from one to another just drag and drop from the side onto the existing “get” node and it should change it to your dragged variable.

E_Weapon_Type : Add your weapon
DT_Weapons : Create new row and for the row name use the Enum name
SK_Mannequin : Go to Skeleton : Add Socket
Character Blueprint : Duplicate one of the existing weapons : Rename it : Make sure it is a child of the Mesh : Make sure if has a particle effect : Make sure the particle effect uses the gun’s socket (Parent Socket)
Character Blueprint : Type the name of an existing blueprint in the variable search bar : Duplicate + Rename ALL of the “Weapon Settings” variables and ALL the “Asset Variables” variables.
Function Update Current Weapon : Increasing the number by +1 towards the top left in the comparison greater than : Copy the stuff and use it for the new Enum switch for your weapon : Change the arrays to hide the other weapons but show yours : add new gun to the arrays that hide weapons for all the other switches
Player_Progress_Struct : Add a variable for your new weapon’s ammo so it can be saved

Character Blueprint : Go along the execution chain and towards the end where Ammo variables are being set drag your new weapon from the Progress struct and set your ammo for your new weapon to it
: Go to the event graph “Get Weapons Initial Transforms” and copy and paste the code and change it for your new weapon :
: Update Weapons Properties Based On Data Table and create a new bit for your new weapon
: Compile twice if errors occur
: Go to “Shooting Logic” from the main event graph and find the enum switch at the end. Copy and Paste a new collapsed graph for your weapon and change the variables to be for your new weapon.
: Go to function “Spawn Bullet” and copy and paste and edit the variables to be for your new weapon
: Go back to the collapsed graph in SHooting Logic for your new weapon and change the variables to fit your new weapon

ABP_Mannequin : Anim Graph : Find “Blend Poses (E_Weapon_Type)” : Add pin : Copy and Paste and Edit “RELEVANT aiming pose” : Find Blend Poses (E_Weapon_Type) and do this again

Your weapon is now usable but not whilst in the cover system.

Cover system @ 53:04

Hi! I am absolutely loving your pack and am using it in a TPS proof of concept I am making. I had a one main question though - is there any simple way to get the AI to attack a custom player I’ve made? Thanks! So far I can’t seem to get that to work, even with fiddling w/ the blueprints.

Thanks! How you made your custom player? If it derive from player character class (TPP_Character) it should be fine.

Hi, I am absolutely thrilled by your awesome kit. Amazing job here.
A few things I would like this pack had and if you could possibly add in the update would make this an instant purchase for me:

  1. Ability to holster weapons with a press of a button, basically what you made in the latest tutorial but be able to switch between unarmed (no weapon in hands unable to shot) and armed mode (like in original controller) with a press of a button. This is the most important feature I would like to see.

  2. This is probably already possible to make - I would like the AI to have friendly status, so that if player not shooting the AI it won’t shoot player back.
    Also I am not sure if this is possible already, but would also be nice if AI could shoot and kill each other.

  3. One very important feature for myself would be an ability to drop and pickup weapons. If there could be a predefined list of weapons like it is now, but with ability to drop weapons and pick it up via a button press when player is near weapon or simply by colliding with it like it is with bullets right now.

  4. Also overall improvements to AI would be nice, for example I would like AI to go back to the patrol mode (to it’s pathnodes) when AI loosing a sight of player for a long period of time (1 minute for example) and can’t find player.
    Also would be nice to have areas of invisibility for player, like where you make an area (for example bushes) where player can hide in crouch mode and AI will not be able to see player in this area while player is in crouch mode.
    Similar to Assasins creed and Uncharted (when character can hide in bushes).

This is less important but would be nice to have:
5) Animations for weapon switching, so that when weapon is changed, character would play animation like he is getting out the weapon from his back if it’s rifle or getting weapon from his belt if it’s a pistol, before weapon actually dissolve and appear in his arms.

If it’s too much to implement in the update, maybe you could made a tutorials how to make this things?
Thank you so much. Your kit is awesome already anyway :wink:
But with this changes it would be just outstanding.

Very nice kit! I am going to buy this but I want to use it with a small team that is also interested in using this kit. I have all core features, game mechanics, story & much more info. I focus on the creative direction, level design and system mechanics in the game. Curious if any animators, programmers, artists & other game developers want to work with me on customizing it for multiplayer fun to ultimately make a very fun game and profit share.

Thanks! Well like with many thing, there is only one issue - time :slight_smile: If I only had it more, I would do it, but now I have a full time job and other stuff, I have it much less then before.
But some of this stuff is already done and I will try help as best as I can.

You can go to BP_ThirdPersonShooterAI to initial sight logic graph and unping sight logic, so AI won’t react on see player.

BP_ThirdPersonShooterAI - variable “Return to patrol time”

There is similar BP for that - BP_AI_vision_blocker

Thank you! I’m glad you like it.

Thanks for reply mate.
Indeed just as I thought the friendly AI things are basically already there, thanks for pointing out to the BPs.
Any idea if it is hard to make AI shoot another AI instead of player?

Would be nice if you could add weapon drop and pickup in the future, I really hope on that. :rolleyes:

I might be able to make switching between armed and unarmed modes via press of a button myself, this might be not that hard considering you already made a tutorial for making unarmed mode.
It’s a shame I am newbie in blueprints, will have to learn a lot.

Thank you for your amazing work and help anyway!
I hope to see updates in the future when and if you will have time to make some :wink:

Update to 4.15 is now live.

I think it could take bit of work. Go to BP_ThirdPersonShooterAI and look in combat graph at OnSeePawn_Event - there is branch based on player’s pawn. You could add check for AI Pawn also si AI will se each other. In “character yaw rotation” and “look at player update” you would have to change target from player to target AI. That’s a start. Now it bit depends how they should react - can AI switch targets? What if player start shooting at one of them? How should they react? They are many questions and cases to handle.

Yes! Awesome! :smiley:

Awesome, thanks for update to 4.15

Third Person Shooter Kit has been chosen as community pick for February 2017! Thank you all for votes! :slight_smile:

Winners of the February 2017 Community Interest Poll! - Marketplace - Unreal Engine Forums!

Congrats! It absolutely deserves it! :]