Third Person Shooter Kit - Cover system, Human AI, Paragon characters, QTE & new stuff is coming!

I found it. Thanks.

do camera blocking volumes work? when I am in aim mode close to a wall or something( or even just standing at the correct angle by a wall) , when I turn I can see right through the wall. I tried camera blocking volume but it didnā€™t seem to do anything.i can set all static mesh actors to ā€œblock allā€ and it works for when he stands next to a wall say. but still , when I am using right mouse button , in aiming mode it still clips through the wall when I turn at certain angles. or when I am in cover it does it , even without using right mouse button aiming mode. ------------------Update , so I moved the right aiming helper camera a bit up and in towards the character and that part is ok now. it is just when he is in cover that it happens now.

also was wondering if there was any known issues with the elevator button panels. I go back to earlier levels to check them out and wherever I put elevator platforms there is extra button panels. Sometimes overlayed on the platform or just 2 next to each other. where there should only be one.

, if you have time would you use one of Paragon characters and create a NPC enemy. Using a mic, thanks.

Try to play with spring arm component in player character, with probe size and socket offset.

Actually Iā€™ve already made it once but didnā€™t record it. I plan to make bigger patch with already example characters from Paragon and so on. I just need more free time for it.

I had this in UE 4.18 I belivie and canā€™t reproduce it now on 4.20. I think itā€™s engine bug. You might reinstall the engine or make a copy of this BP. Maybe it will help.

OK , so the automatic doors have the option to use the button panel, but the doors automatically open when you reach the trigger box. Panel or no panel. Am I missing something?

You mean Blueprintā€™/Game/ThirdPersonKit/Blueprints/BP_Automatic_Door.BP_Automatic_Doorā€™ ? Maybe you change default values in parent BP. Anyway there is property ā€œUse Panel Buttonā€ in this BP. Set it to false and panel should disappear.

yes I checked the box to use the panel button, the panel button appears , but I donā€™t have to use it , I can just walk up to the door and it automatically opens anyway. if I use the button it acts normally but the door donā€™t open. 2. I wonder if i should migrate the blueprint files from the 3rd person shooter kit project to my project and overwrite the files. I been having some trouble with the turrets lately as well, where they sometimes react to me and shoot and sometimes dont. Or they turn red like they see me but just sit there and dont shoot. Even when I shoot them , they quickly look at me and turn red but donā€™t shoot. Where is the logic for the turrets? In BP it says the base hard turret is the parent , but there is no logic there either. Would there be an issue with migrating and overwriting the blueprint files in my project?

Well thatā€™s automatic door so it will work this way. If you need door that opens with button, use Blueprintā€™/Game/ThirdPersonKit/Blueprints/BP_Double_Door_With_Wall.BP_Double_Door_With_Wallā€™

Migrating turrets logic should work in general, you have watch out for collisions setup though. I made custom collision channels.

Turret logic is in turret enemy BP - Blueprintā€™/Game/ThirdPersonKit/Blueprints/BP_Turret_enemy.BP_Turret_enemyā€™

The Human AI in this package is Amazing. It could rival many AAA titlesā€¦

However, weā€™re replacing the awesome Player Character above, entirely with our own integrating Advanced Locomotion / Kuboldā€™s Cover Animset Pro / Interactions.
Weā€™re also retrofitting the project for Multiplayer. Weā€™re seeking feedback from others who have swapped out the TPSK Player Character and a potential codeveloper. Weā€™re considering the following implementations:

  1. Use the TPSK Player Class, re-parent to our Player Character Base Class. (Appropriate variables and statemachines in TPSK Character Animgraph as needed).
  2. Extract the variables in TPSK Player Class referenced in Human AI, add them to our Player Character Class.
  3. Extract the variables in TPSK Player Class referenced in Human AI, and encapsulate them, in a Actor Component usable in any character.

Weā€™re interested in any and all input. Interested in codeveloping this with us? Lets Chat. Must be a verified owner of TPSK and possess some Bluerprints Networking Knowledge/Experience.

, if you have time would you use one of Paragon characters and create a NPC enemy. Second request.

Request noted. Iā€™m working on this. It takes time. Iā€™m working on simplyfing whole adding new weapons and character workflow. I work on free time when I find it which is combination of regular work at the studio, health issues, moving to other country and avoiding NDA break.

how does the BP_Checkpoint keep the state of the game? Meaning if I kill some enemies and then die and respawn at a checkpoint , those enemies remain gone when I respawn. I see in the BP there is a function ā€œget gamestateā€ node. Is this where it does it? Is it possible to use that node to do the same thing with a save and load function? In any case I donā€™t see the ā€œget gamestateā€ function in the Checkpoint BP. Is it located somewhere else?

Checkpoint system dont save enemies state. Its Just for respawning. I dont use game state, its engine thing.
You check my tutorial how you can extend checkpoint system

link took me to the saving trap state tutorial

Well yes, you can use same system - on checkpoint reached, just save game like in video - Itā€™s on pushed button event but you can is the same for check point.

I tried to copy the setup and reference some other things there on the level blueprint, but it said it was incompatible when I tried to link into the nodes(saving trap setup button pushed event), so I couldnā€™t tie into the set of nodes. are you saying I can click on a checkpoint on the level , then reference it on the level blueprint and use that(saving trap) setup or something similar to save at checkpoint when I do a manual save to slot and reload from slot? Do I need the whole setup? or can I just use part of it? I mean , I wouldnā€™t need the button press sections. And would this save the state of the game like it does when it (checkpoint) , is just used to respawn?i mean , right now the system Iā€™ve worked into saves character location ,and rotation and some other things like pickups . but not enemy state(whether they are dead or not) , , When I save and reload the enemy AI is all respawned again.

There is number of questions here, Iā€™ll try to explain in genreal - You donā€™t have to use anything from trap BP logic. You use only save game and load game functions like in video. If want to save something specific, to need to pass it into save game function which has struct as a param. But if you want to make just a checkpoint (so progress will be reset when you will exit the game) you should do it differently I think. Idea from top of my head - make a volume which will cover all area between checkpoints - lets say from level start to first checkpoint. On begin play, in level script use function get all overlaped actors of class and as param, use this volume. As a class you set for example health pick up. This way you will have an array of all health pick up. Get location of each of them. Then when player dies in this first section, destroy all health pick ups that you collected at begin play, and spawn them again with locations that you store in array. You can do it for other classes and all level this way. And when player died in section 2 for example, (you can check it for example by checking if checkpoint is activated.) you respawn BPā€™s only from section 2, which will be covered by seperate volume.
Sorry from long answer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

no thatā€™s fine , I appreciate your time. I been trying to figure out which way to do this. basically everything I need saved I have saving now. they are in the BP_Player progress struct, then I have some array variables with them (owned keys / chemicals , etcā€¦). main issue is that after I grab a pickup or use that pickup to open / destroy a door, the pickup and doors respawn after saving and re loading game again. which I want them to stay gone. heard some talk about using F gameplay tags and containers , or giving each item a unique ID / name and checking to see if they were destroyed and then donā€™t reload them. but I am trying to figure out how to implement this and do the check. iā€™m not even sure how to give them a unique ID/name. I think it would be a name variable added to that item BP .

Hi @
Does this support multiplayer? If not any tutorial in this matter would be a massive help. Many thanks indeed. I love it :slight_smile: