Did you setup same collision settings as for my AI? https://s33.postimg.cc/so9kwnljj/image.png
You can also try add enemy component.
Since you use some custom class for AI, I can’t guarantee you that will work. Your enemy should inherit from BP_ThirdPersonShooterAI class.
ok so I set demon collision like your AI and now the bullets hit him and show a flash particle on hit. So I guess I just need to get the weapon / bullets to cause damage to him.Can I cast over to enemy AI. If I wanted to have it inherit from BP thirdpersonshooter AI class , does it then have to be set up like in zombie tutorial , or is there another way?
Yes, like zombie tutorial, you just make a child class of BP_ThirdPersonShooterAI. This way you will have all functionality of my AI logic.
ok so its been a while since I looked at zombie tutorial. zombie tutorial shows how to create child class of BP_ThirdPersonShooterAI.? 2. do I have to do all the steps in zombie tutorial? For demon damaging player , I just created a sphere collision , attached it to his claw bone, then on demon bp I did event actor begin overlap, casted to TPP character , then got player get damage event. 3. I guess I’m asking how do I create a child bp from the demon bp? I’m still mr noob here , but not so much anymore.
so I went in demon bp and clicked on the props (class settings) and selected the bp_ThirdPersonShooterAI as parent. Is this all I have to do? I see after doing this , some of the third person shooter AI components are now in the box on the upper left in demon bp. 2. Wow so all the settings for the thirdperson shooter AI are on the right panel now. though I noticed the demon automatiacally has a shield around him (even in viewport) , it is not set to have shield in the settings and seems I cannot remove it. I can shoot the shield away and shoot demon and he disappears after a bit (destroying actor?) 3. also I get some errors Error: Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property Anim BP Object from function: ‘Invoke Look Around’ from node: Branch in graph: Invoke Look Around in object: BP_ThirdPersonShooterAI with description: Accessed None trying to read property Anim BP Object
PIE: Error: Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property Anim BP Object from function: ‘Invoke Look Around’ from node: Set Current Look Around Anim in graph: Invoke Look Around in object: BP_ThirdPersonShooterAI with description: Accessed None trying to read property Anim BP Object
PIE: Error: Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None attempting to assign variable on an object from function: ‘Invoke Look Around’ from node: Set Current Look Around Anim in graph: Invoke Look Around in object: BP_ThirdPersonShooterAI with description: Accessed None attempting to assign variable on an object
PIE: Error: Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property Anim BP Object from function: ‘Invoke Look Around’ from node: Set Looking around in patrol in graph: Invoke Look Around in object: BP_ThirdPersonShooterAI with description: Accessed None trying to read property Anim BP Object
Hello. First thank you for your package, is really amazing. Second I would like to ask a noob question, how can I change the key icon displayed with the “to use” text. I’ve changed the key mapping from F to E and although I took a look at almost all blueprints I couldn’t find how to change the Icon.
Did you retarget you mesh to manequinn? Does you demon mesh has a different skeleton then manequinn? These bug occur because your skeleton is different then default manequinn so meshed don’t know to which bone attach to.
Thank you! You can either replace asset or make your own icon and replace reference.
F keyboard key icon is here - Texture2D’/Game/ThirdPersonKit/Textures/UI/Input_Icons/T_F_keyboard_key.T_F_keyboard_key’
You can also look for reference for that texture and replace references
Or you can replace reference in widget - WidgetBlueprint’/Game/ThirdPersonKit/Blueprints/User_Interface/WB_Game_HUD_widget.WB_Game_HUD_widget’
yea I looked at that but he demon skeleton only has a couple bones as UE 4 skeleton. most are missing , so that might be above my current ability. the only problem I have is when putting a sphere collision on his claw and attaching it to mesh to do overlap damage from claw swing. otherwise if i don’t add that he works normally , chases me down and such and I can shoot and kill him. if I could find another way for him to damage me (since he inherits from your shooter AI logic now) , it would work.
So if you want just damage player with melee attack of your custom AI, you use same logic as for enviromental damage.
Look in for example Blueprint’/Game/ThirdPersonKit/Blueprints/BP_Damage_Area_Blueprint.BP_Damage_Area_Blueprint’
This is one of my favorite assets. If I may suggest a tutorial would be replacing the character with a female character including female animation.
One of the best female characters would be LP287 Character P1 in Characters - UE Marketplace
Thank you! Looks like this mesh use the same skeleton as manequinn so you can use this tutorial for exmaple https://youtu.be/7jQhoSwYzOU or you can check out my zombie tutorial where I do also the retargeting. https://youtu.be/vaEfUna5imE
so I got all that stuff working , thanks for help. your asset definitely has a lot to offer and work with.
When I try to play a project a New editor window, the window comes up and immediately shifts to full screen. I would like to run the project in a window. Help.
When I use the first person temp it allows the windowed screen.
Marcin this is a simple question? Has anyone else tried a windowed screen in 4.20 with the kit?
I kind of know what do you mean. It looks like Epic fixed bug.
It goes to full screen/change resolution because it loads options where you have setup full screen mode/big resolution. Before it happen only once per editor launch.
Look in player character BP for “load options” bool, maybe I’ve added it - I can’t check it now.
If not, open pause menu, go to options and set smaller resolution.
I don’t see the bool. I did put execute console command r.setres 1440x900 in the player character. But it didn’t work. When I pause the project it works. Let me know when you fix it. Thanks.
Do not do it through console command. When you start a game, options are loaded, so you need to change it in options and it will work. Take a look - https://youtu.be/YWKvbZ_ZU5o
How do I get the options menu to come up?